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Core group and key stakeholder meeting in Eschborn (Apr. 2013)

19 April 2013 Core group and key stakeholder meeting

Preparation pack circulated to the meeting participants

Prior to the meeting, a preparation pack was sent to all participants, with the aim of preparing the participants so that the time during the meeting could be utilised to its fullest potential.

The preparation pack contained the following:
  1. Cover Letter SuSanA core group and key stakeholder meeting April 2013 available here
  2. SuSanA meeting programme 18 to 20 April 2013 available here
  3. SuSanA vision statement version 1.2 february 2008 available here
  4. SuSanA old roadmap version 1.3 Nov 2008 available here
  5. SuSanA status-quo summary available here
  6. Sanitation Hot Topics List 20130404 available here
  7. SuSanA survey results summary 130409 available here

Presentations during the meeting

The agenda for the meeting was designed by the secretariat with assistance and input from the consulting team and the moderator, Ken Caplan (BPD).

The following four presentations were held:

  1. Status-quo SuSanA available here
  2. Survey results summary available here
  3. Hot Topics Input available here
  4. Institutional options available here

Impressions from the meeting

Meeting minutes and the moderators reflection on the meeting

Meeting minutes long version available here
Meeting minutes summary version available here
Ken Caplan's reflections on the meeting from the moderator's perspective available here


Background to the SuSanA strategy study

After five years of existence, the present level of on-going and new sectoral challenges (i.e. recognition of sanitation as a human right, definition of the SDGs, post-2015 JMP process, relevance of climate change adaptation measures in ODA, etc.), SuSanA has reached a point where reflection is required on the current status of the alliance’s activities, the effective outreach of the network, in order to put the vision into practice. This sentiment was echoed in the 16th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm in 2012, hence it being reasonable to conduct a strategy study to define the key activity lines and a roadmap for the next 5 years of SuSanA. A process of strategy development and consensus building is required to ensure that all stakeholders of the alliance have the opportunity to provide their input into the process.
Therefore, the GIZ sector program “Sustainable Sanitation” which manages the SuSanA secretariat commissioned a team of specialists to support SuSanA in the process of developing a strategy / Roadmap, in a collaborative manner with input from the core group and SuSanA key stakeholders prior and during the meeting as well as collection of input from the entire network prior to the meeting. The team of specialists under the direction of seecon, consists of:
  • Johannes Heeb (seecon gmbh, expert in WASH)
  • Jay Baghwan (WRC, expert in WASH)
  • Roland Schertenleib (W+S Consult, expert in WASH)
  • Astrid Frischknecht (seecon gmbh, expert in organisational development)
  • Wolfgang Pfefferkorn (Rosinak & Partner, network specialist)
  • Dorothee Spuhler (seecon gmbh, project manager)
The final goal of the activities carried out was to prepare the elements necessary for the development of a SuSanA roadmap for the next 5 years and initiate the process of a roadmap definition with the core group, key stakeholders and the network.


Outputs from the SuSanA strategy study


SuSanA 2008 to 2012 status quo analysis

A review of background information on SuSanA 2008 to 2012 was conducted. Documents were downloaded from the SuSanA website. The documents were discussed among the consultants and a status quo analysis of SuSanA 2008 to 2012 was carried out in the form of a desk study in December 2012 and January 2013.


The analysis included the following topics:



  1. History and background:
    • Summary of all core group meeting minutes, first vision statements, the SuSanA roadmap 2008 to 2012, documents on the structure of SuSanA describing how it functions, etc.
    • Current mission statement discussion conducted on the forum
  2. Partner and member mapping
    • Basic statistics on partner organisations and individual members were compiled
  3. Media channel analysis
    • Summary of SuSanA media channels
  4. Crowdsourcing
    • Potential of crowdsourcing for SuSanA
  5. Impact / Outreach
    • List of key documents, events, high-level papers etc.
  6. Conclusion and recommendations
    • Long version available here. (10Mb)
    • Short version available here.


List of "hot" current topics in the sanitation sector

A list of key SuSanA stakeholders (people outside of the SuSanA core group) was prepared and circulate to the core group for comment and input. Key stakeholders and all core group members were asked two questions:

  • What according to you are at present and in future the most relevant topics in the sanitation sector (please provide 5 to 10 suggestions)?
  • Which of those should SuSanA  focus on in the next 5 years?

The complete list of feedback obtained as well as a summary are available here.


Online survey results


An executive summary version of the SuSanA 2008 to 2012 status quo analysis was published on the website in February 2013, to communicate to all SuSanA partners and members. In order to gather consistent feedback and build on the analysis, an online anonymous survey was prepared in order to gather data from the entire alliance. The survey was communicated through all SuSanA channels to the network during the last two weeks of February and first three weeks of March 2013.

A presentation on the results of the survey is available here.

Results of the investigation into different organisational structure options for SuSanA

Firstly an investigation of the organisational structure of 10 similar networks was carried out based on the organisation charts showing the organisation units and their interrelations. 


An outline of the current organisational structure of SuSanA was built with a selected number of people who know SuSanA well (members, partners, secretariat, core group, working group leads) who drew a picture on a flipchart of their perception of the organisational landscape (systemic view) which interacted and influenced SuSanA. Based on the results, short interviews (by phone) were carried out with some members of the secretariat (1-2), the core group (2-3) and 1-2 other persons.





Based on the investigation of similar organisation structures, the analysis of the systemic views, and the results of interviews a synthesis was prepared and some hypotheses and conclusions were drawn and discussed among the consultants.


A detailed presentation is available here. (8Mb)



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