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Reinvent the toilet challenge - China Regional Program

2013 - 2016 • University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB)


To design, prototype and test entirely stand-alone, self-contained, practical sanitation modules which intake bodily wastes or fecal sludge swiftly dispose of them without being connected to the utility grid.


Reinvent The Toilet Challenge China (RTTC-China) is funded and supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. University of Science and Technology Beijing team is responsible for the organization and implementation of all the activities for this event. Toilet Technology R&D biddings and Toilet Innovation Concept Contest by university students are included in this event.

Toilet Technology R&D biddings intends to attract exceptionally high-qualified Chinese consortia in 1st round and consortia in which foreign institutions cold also be invited in 2nd round as a network of partners or teams from for-profit and not-for profit organizations, universities as well as top industrial design institutes and prototyping companies that can contribute to the advancement of sanitation research and development.
The RTTC-China targets to design, prototype and test entirely stand-alone, self-contained, practical sanitation modules which intake bodily wastes or fecal sludge collected from pit latrines and septic tanks and swiftly dispose of them without any incoming water piping, outgoing sewer piping, or electricity or gas utility services. The candidates will be supported by the Foundation to design, develop, prototype and test their innovations.
The initial idea and pragmatic work of Toilet Innovation Concept Contest by university students is to offer more opportunities to young students and inspire their creativity. There would be chance to make further research together with interested companies/institutes for those ideas which are selected.

Countries of activity

Location of main activity


- To mobilize and engage leading R&D organizations in China;
- To promote RTTC solutions that meet communities needs in African and South Asian countries as well as in China;
- To develop a business plan for BMGF and China Government for co-investing in adoption and promotion of sanitation innovation.

Further information

Research or implementation organizations:
1. Tsinghua University (including two projects)
2. EnviroSystems Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd.
3. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
4. Beijing University of Chemical Technology
5. Kunming Huiyun Luminous Engineering Co., Ltd.
6. China Agricultural University
7. China University of Geosciences
8. Dalian Jinshui Cleaning Equipment Factory
9. Hunan Hyso Environmental Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Filter tags

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation East Asia & Pacific Fundamental research and engineering Product design and engineering Resource recovery Specific to one or several countries Sub-Saharan Africa Technology comparisons Toilets or urinals (user interface) Treatment of wastewater or greywater University, education or research institution


Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation

The ultimate ambition of the Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation (CSES) is to influence Chinese policy to promote and guide sustainable sanitation development throughout Asia, and to assist in social marketing. The overall aim is that China would act as a catalyst for sustainable sanitation development within the region. The centre is part of University of Science and Technology Beijing

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danijela milosevic (milli)

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