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An online social marketplace for sustainable development

Project ongoing since: 2015 • AnaMehani


To connect vetted community-based workers with households, companies and organizations covering their everyday need

Activities is a social labor marketplace aims to connect vetted community-based workers with households, companies and organizations covering their everyday need. The business also aims to provide freelance laborers (professional and otherwise) with employment opportunities in many different fields such as plumbing, welding, painting, decor, electrical engineering, gardening and many others; and provide them a space to cultivate professional networks and experience. comes to play as a major role to help unwaged minored workers offering them more chances to get jobs that will increase the potential of their usual poor income resulting in making more better somewhat sustainable lives. doesn’t only play a helpful role for these workers; it also satisfies a real need for people, companies, and organizations, to get temporary or permanent employees in no time instead of spending great time looking for good ones. They can be provided in minutes through our platform.

The great thing about is that it is very culturally sensitive to females. It is commonly and traditionally hard for females to go to the street to hire a worker from the crowds or even go to a worker’s place. is a platform in where a male or female simply requests the fit worker directly without having to personally go through the unpleasant complicated process of being in a crowd not knowing who to pick. All they have do is just order a worker with a simple electronic click through either the site or the mobile application. Anamehani has made accessibility to workers so simple that even those with no online or internet accessibility can order a worker through either our SMS based service that is linked to our platform or just call the office, has simply solved such radical problem, which makes us unique and considerate. plays another technological and economical role which gathers those workers who are economically and technologically disadvantaged or advantaged. We go down to their places or bring them to our place to register upload their data. All they need is a simple phone to be contacted when they are ordered and nowadays everybody has a phone.


Image: website

Countries of activity

Location of main activity


· Contributing in reducing the growth of employment rate in Yemen, Arab World and expanding to MENA region by providing job opportunities to the marginalized simple workers to start earning extra money throughout
· Generating jobs for those minored workers to increase their income.
· Trying to be part of the development of the country’s economy.
· Providing the facility that would improve workers and their families’ lives.
· Becoming the impact that makes those workers better by being more competitive and more professional.

Further information

In addition to matching clients with vocational workers; AnaMehani adds value by operating as a third party platform that mediates between the both parties very easy and effective, AnaMehani grants credits for both clients and workers to have direct contact and deal with each other without having any restriction from our system. To give clients more leverage they can leave positive or negative feedbacks and ratings about each worker they have request this system will balance the interests for both parties and give a positive push to workers for a descent competitive environment.

Filter tags

Capacity development Middle East & North Africa Other funding source or unspecified Private sector, including social enterprises Specific to one or several countries Urban (entire city)


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