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Sanitation activities of GIZ in Egypt

2008 - 2017 • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


Technical Sustainable Management Programme in Egypt (TSM-EGYPT)


TSM-EGYPT is a Quality Management System, its requirements aim at developing Water and Wastewater facilities to reach conformity with the Egyptian regulations, codes, law and standards.
In the context of The Water and Wastewater Management Programme (WWMP), implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the cooperation with the Egyptian Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW) and its 25 Affiliated Companies (ACs) in the sustainable improvement of their services started since 2007.

Currently, about 99% of Egyptian households have access to potable water services and only 50% of Egyptian households have access to sanitation services. The insufficient technical and operational quality management of the water and wastewater utilities has negative impact on O&M cost, revenues, public health, and the environment.

The Technical Sustainable Management Programme in Egypt (TSM-EGYPT) started in 2008. The objective of the TSM is to enhance the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of water and wastewater facilities through the implementation of a comprehensive certification system that enables the utilities to comply with national standards.

TSM-EGYPT is a system originally developed by the DWA & DVGW (German Water/Gas Associations) to support German Utilities meet their regulatory obligations with particular emphasis on safety standards and regulations. TSM- Egypt focuses on the following pilars:
• Human resources,
• Occupational Health and Safety,
• Operation,
• Maintenance and
• Quality control/Quality assurance (QA/QC)

TSM-EGYPT activities started in 2008 with a comprehensive review of relevant Egyptian laws, regulations and codes. A certification Programme supported by DWA- Germany was launched at 2010 and 5 plants have been awarded the TSM-EGYPT certificate of compliance. DWA supported the inspection process by providing lead inspectors who in return trained and authorized Egyptian inspectors. The next step was the transfer the full responsibility for TSM-EGYPT development, inspections and certification from GIZ- WWMP/DWA to the HCWW.
HCWW decided to consider 2017 the year of Labor Safety, therefore the national skill competition was organised similar to the biannual international competition taking place at IFAT- Germany. The Egyptian competition had in addition the area of chlorine leak.

At the international level, GIZ supported HCWW to attend the Professional Skills competitions at IFAT 2014 and 2016 with four teams that achieved good ranking among 5 German and international teams.

GIZ financed a similar program among the Arab Countries through the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA). As a result the first version of TSM-ARAB for water and wastewater facilities was issued, seven TSM-ARAB inspectors were certified from Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia, and in addition two pilot facilities in Jordan and Tunisia were certified.


Image: TSM Egypt

Countries of activity

Location of main activity


1. To enhance the performance of Water and Wastewater utilities in Egypt to the international standards.
2. To fulfill the gap between the current operational system and the needed requirement of the compliance with the Egyptian codes, laws, standard, regulations and decrees.
3. To transfer the German international experience to the Egyptian water & wastewater sector
4. To improve fields of operation, maintenance, Occupational Health and Safety(OHS), Human resource (HR), Quality control/Quality assurance (QA/QC) and management.
5. To support the managers of Water and wastewater facilities to meet their Egyptian regulatory obligations (Codes and Standards) through application of a simplified checklist - toolbox (TSM EGYPT requirement).
6. To raise the awareness of the operators toward safety considerations in the work environment.
7. To increase the life time of the assets of the facilities and operate the facilities in an economic efficient manner by applying:
• Standard operation procedures (SOPs)
• Standard maintenance procedures (SMPs)
• Apply an operation plan
• Apply computerize management maintenance system (CMMS)
• Capacity building of the operators
8. To reduce cost of operation and maintenance (power supply, chemicals and spare parts)
9. To develop awareness Programme on confined space entry to minimize number of accidents
10. To replicate German neighborhood program to promote TSM EGYPT concept and knowledge transfer between the facilities managers.
11. To create a spirit of competition concept between the water and wastewater facilities to reach the international levels


TSM skills competition IFAT 2014

Contact information

Maha Khallaf
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Capacity development Enabling environment and institutional strengthening Europe & Central Asia German government Government-owned entity (not university or research) Middle East & North Africa Operation, maintenance and sustainable services Practitioners Specific to one or several countries Urban (entire city)

Attached files

TSM Presentation

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Size: 1.41 MB


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (formally known as Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH is a federally owned organisation. It works worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Their mandate is to support the German Government in achieving its development objectives. It provides viable, forward-looking solutions for political, economic, ecological and social development in a globalised world.

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Shobana Srinivasan (shobana)

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