Published in: 2010
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Kassa, K.
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This case study is about a project to replace a pit latrine with UDDT for one household in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. The UDDT serves 10 persons. This project is part of the larger EU-funded ROSA project.
A household had a problem of repeated collapses of the pit latrine. The owner approached ROSA, Arba Minch for a solution. So the objective of the project was
· to reduce the repeated pit collapse and solve the toilet
problem and
· to replace the toilet conditions with low odour and flies.
This project is a one amongst the other components of the ROSA project. Solid wastes like green plants and animal wastes are also used by the owner for co-composting. Research on operation and maintenance are being done for 15 UDDT toilet products in the town like crop trial and reuse
All the family members and the tenants admire this new toilet type and the concept of reusing which is observed from their positive response. During visit ROSA staff complained that hand washing water is not regularly kept nearby the toilet. Guests, who do not have any knowledge about toilets at all, visit the house every day and tend to misuse the toilet holes.
With regards to long-term impacts of the project, the main expected impact of the project is improved public health and good condition of toilets. As a lot of guests visit the toilets it is also possible to say that tenants and landlords disseminate the knowledge, technology and concepts to Arba Minch town and other towns.
Kassa, K. (2010). Urine diversion dehydration toilet (UDDT) for one household, Arba Minch, Ethiopia - Draft. Case study of sustainable sanitation projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Case studies in SuSanA template English Faeces or faecal sludge Peri-urban Sub-Saharan Africa Urine Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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