Published in: 2012
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) and GIZ, Germany
von Münch, E., Ingle, R., Mbalo, D., Kappauf, L. (eds.)
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This factsheet book is a compilation of 13 thematic factsheets which were produced by the eleven SuSanA working groups. What makes these factsheets special is that they are multi-authored by people from different organisations and by free-lance consultants. The factsheets were developed in a long process involving many discussions and review loops which were mostly carried out in public, e.g. at working group meetings, with the working group mailing lists or, since July 2011, also in the open SuSanA discussion forum ( They now represent consensus.
The SuSanA working groups were established in 2007 in order to cover a variety of different thematic aspects of sanitation and to increase the understanding and knowledge exchange about these aspects. They are a platform for experts and interested individuals to share and exchange their knowledge on specific aspects of sanitation. We invite you to join the pool of experts and contribute to the discussions by joining some of the SuSanA working groups (
The target audience for this document includes a wide range of readers who are interested in aspects of sustainable sanitation and their links with other environmental and development topics. Possible readers include practitioners, programme managers, engineers, students, researchers, lecturers, journalists, local government staff members, policy makers and their advisers or entrepreneurs. The emphasis of this document is on developing countries and countries in transition.
We thank all the authors and contributors to these factsheets who have often volunteered their own private time, outside of their normal work commitments, to work on this.
Table of Contents:
Executive Summary
WG 1: Capacity development
Capacity development for sustainable sanitation
Spuhler, D., McCreary, C., Fogde, M., Jenssen, P.
WG 2: Finance and economics
Financial and economic analysis
Parkinson, J., Hutton, G., Pfeiffer, V., Blume, S., Feiereisen, P.
WG 3: Renewable energies and climate change
Links between sanitation, climate change and renewable energies
Ingle, R., Sundberg, C., Wendland, C., Reuter, S., Jurga, I., Olt, C.
WG 4: Sanitation systems, technology options, hygiene and health
Sanitation systems and technology options
Zurbrügg, C., Panesar, A., Rüd, S.
WG 5: Food security and productive sanitation systems
Productive sanitation and the link to food security
Gensch, R., Dagerskog, L., Winker, M., Veenhuizen, R. v., Drechsel, P.
WG 6: Cities and planning
Planning of sustainable sanitation for cities
Luethi, C., Lehn, H., Norström, A., Panesar, A., Rüd, S., Saywell, D., Verhagen, J., Ulrich, L., Ingle, R.
WG 7: Community, rural and schools (with gender and social aspects)
7a: Sustainable sanitation for schools
Abraham, B., Fogde, M., Münch, E. v., Wendland, C.
7b: Integrating a gender perspective in sustainable sanitation
Wendland, C., Dankelman, I., Ruben, C., Kunze, I., Sommer, M., Mbalo, D.
WG 8: Emergency and reconstruction situations
Sustainable sanitation for emergencies and reconstruction situations
Johannessen, A., Patinet, J., Carter, W., Lamb, J.
WG 9: Sanitation as a business and public awareness
9a: Sanitation as a business
Groeber, K., Crosweller, D., Schroeder, E., Kappauf, L., Surridge, T., Panchal-Segtnan, A., Zurbruegg, C.
9b: Public awareness raising and sanitation marketing
Gröber, K., McCreary, C., Panzerbieter, T., Rück, J., Kappauf, L.
WG 10: Operation and maintenance
Operation and maintenance of sustainable sanitation systems
Müllegger, E., Freiberger, F., McConville, J., Samwel, M., Rieck, C., Scott, P., Langergraber, G.
WG 11: Groundwater Protection
Sustainable sanitation and groundwater protection
Nick, A., Foppen, J. W., Kulabako, R., Lo, D., Samwel, M., Wagner, F., Wolf, L.
If you spot any errors in this publication or if you want to order a hard copy please e-mail us at The individual factsheets and this book are available on the SuSanA website (
Last updated: 01 November 2012
von Münch, E., Ingle, R., Mbalo, D., Kappauf, L. (eds.) (2012). Compilation of 13 factsheets on key sustainable sanitation topics. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) and GIZ, Germany
English Factsheets and policy briefs Journalists Publications by SuSanA Publications by SuSanA
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