Published in: 2009
Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
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Sanitation policies and regulatory frameworks are important tools and key elements when promoting and implementing sustainable sanitation including reuse of nutrients in wastewater, human excreta and greywater. The workshop participants represented all parts of the world and a major experience in the field of sustainable sanitation. This led to presentation of many interesting case-studies and elaborated discussions during the workshop. Sanitation policies in different forms and at different levels are in place in most countries. Very few of these policies contain the concept of closing the loop and formulate requirements regarding the reuse of nutrients from human excreta and wastewater. The countries where closed-loop approaches have reached all the way into legislation are easily counted. Many countries, NGOs, scientists and donors are currently working in the field of policy and legislation, but there is a lack of examples of implemented policy where the reuse aspect is fully integrated in policy and advocacy. As the interest for sustainable sanitation is growing and the reuse aspects are gaining ground it is important to learn from some of the ongoing and upcoming initiatives. This has to some extent been done in the workshop that is documented in these proceedings and the picture materials that is associated.
The workshop on Sanitation Policies and Regulatory Frameworks for Reuse of Nutrients in Wastewater, Human Excreta and Greywater was a two-day event held at the Stay At Hotel in Bromma, Sweden from 24-25 of August, 2009.
This outline summarises what was presented and discussed in each of the sessions, and refers to the PowerPoint presentations as well as additional reports or web-pages for additional information.
The Swedish international agricultural network initiative (SIANI) has also published a policy brief, using results from this workshop.
Documents available for download:
1 - Workshop report
2 - Nutrient reuse as a solution multiplier (SIANI policy brief 1.1) (2012)
(Website: - this policy brief is partly based on the workshop report. Authors: Elisabeth Kvarnström , Linus Dagerskog , Anna
Norström and Mats Johansson
SEI (2009). Sanitation policies and regulatory frameworks for reuse of nutrients in wastewater, human excreta and greywater - Proceedings from SEI/EcoSanRes2 Workshop in Sweden. Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
English Faeces or faecal sludge Food security and productive sanitation (WG5) Urine Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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