Published in: 2019
Pages: 107
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance Secretariat located at GIZ, Eschborn, Germany
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SuSanA secretariat
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This standard set of powerpoint slides about SuSanA has been developed by the SuSanA secretariat to provide a more detailed overview of SuSanA. It will also help people who are giving presentations about SuSanA to have the latest information on hand and to have a common starting point. It is updated from time to time.
The slides about the SuSanA Discussion Forum are now in a separate library entry (see link below).
Another aim of developing this standard set of slides was to give all presentations on SuSanA or the working groups and regional chapters a similar "look and feel" which will further help to promote SuSanA.
This is the new version from December 2019, which contains the following subsections:
1. Cover Pages
2. Definition of Sustainable Sanitation
3. Structure and the five roles of SuSanA
4. What is SuSanA?
5. SuSanA Partner Organisations
6. The 5 key messages of SuSanA
7. SuSanA Library
8. SuSanA Online Platform (Website, Social Media)
9. Shit Flow Diagrams (SFDs)
10. Get involved
11. Annex
(Slides about the Discussion Forum are now in a separate library entry - see link below)
The following are a few tips for new users of this set of powerpoint slides:
To change the footer including the date, you will need to go into the slide master and make the changes there. You can use the SuSanA open discussion forum prior and post presentation to prepare discussion points and also bounce ideas around. If you use this template in a presentation please feel free to send the SuSanA secretariat a copy of your presentation. We are always happy to hear from supporters of sustainable sanitation and to share knowledge with the sustainable sanitation community.
If you come across any errors please communicate them to the SuSanA secretariat at
We are providing the slides as a complete set in one file, or - for people with a slow internet connection - as 11 chapters in separate 11 files (see below).
Last updated: 09 December 2019
SuSanA (2019). A standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance Secretariat located at GIZ, Eschborn, Germany
English Journalists Presentations Publications by SuSanA
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