Published in: 2008
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), The Netherlands
Buitenkamp, M., Richert Stintzing, A.
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The bad sanitation situation of more than 20 million citizens in rural areas in the European Union was explained and illustrated. The common system of pit latrines especially in rural Eastern Europe are a cause of groundwater pollution in many villages which depend on wells for drinking
water.The unsafe water and sanitation situation adversely aff ects public health and thus hinders the economic development in the region. A participant argued that the number of people with unsafe sanitation and insuffi cient waste water treatment is probably two to three times higher than the estimated 20 million.
WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future) together with partner organizations Global Water Partnership CEE, Coalition Clean Baltic, Hamburg University of Technology, Creative Slovakia, Earth Forever Bulgaria, EuroTeleorman Romania, organisd a seminar “Europe’s Sanitation Problem – 20 million Europeans need access to Safe and Affordable Sanitation”, on the 19th of August 2008 during the Stockholm World Water Week.
Buitenkamp, M., Richert Stintzing, A. (2008). Europe's sanitation problem - 20 million Europeans need access to safe and affordable sanitation. Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), The Netherlands
English Europe & Central Asia Rural
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