Published in: 2008
ttz Bremerhaven. Water, Energy and Landscape Management, Bremerhaven, Germany
Barreto Dillon, L.
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In line with the agenda of NETSSAF, which aims to coordinate and integrate the current scientific research, technological innovation and execution activities, creating synergies to support large-scale implementation of sustainable sanitation systems in peri-urban and rural areas, in order to propose feasible solutions for the achievement of the Sanitation Millennium Development Goals in Africa, several activities were carried out under the WP5. Task 5.1 of the NETSSAF project plans to identify the companies involved in the design, planning, manufacturing, sales, supply, implementation, maintenance, monitoring, evaluation and quality control of the technical aspects of sanitation systems within the West Africa region in specific as well as the rest of the world in general. The identification of these companies offering services related to the technical aspects of sanitation is aimed at creating an online database of these companies which will be made available to users both in West Africa as well as in other regions. This is to support the other activities being carried out under the NETSSAF agenda, as it is not just enough to create an awareness to sustainable sanitation to sanitation planners, or even to recommend the implementation and adoption of sustainable sanitation systems if these planners of sanitation are not provided a readily available platform where they can easily gain access to the producers and suppliers of the technical components and materials, needed for the implementation of sustainable sanitation.
Barreto Dillon, L. (2008). Identification and mapping of possible regional suppliers of technological requirements - Netssaf Deliverable D44. ttz Bremerhaven. Water, Energy and Landscape Management, Bremerhaven, Germany
English Sub-Saharan Africa
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