Published in: 2012
The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Technologies (WASHTech) is a project of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme in Africa
Olschewski, A., Danert, K., Furey, S., Klingel, F.
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This review of frameworks for technology assessment is an internal working document of the EU-FP7 project WASHTech.
The objective of the review is to support the definition of the targeted users, purpose and scope of the Technology Assessment Framework (TAF) to be developed in WASHTech. Furthermore, the review provides input to key issues in the TAF development by analysing the learnings from other related frameworks.
The review of frameworks concentrates on related frameworks with the objective of answering the following questions:
1. Does the TAF fill a gap or are there already existing frameworks with a very similar purpose?
2. How do other frameworks deal with key issues that are also relevant for the TAF?
3. What learnings from other frameworks should be considered when developing the TAF?
What can be concluded from this literature review is that there is a gap for a WASH technology assessment tool and a WASH technology uptake tool. Various approaches have been examined but it is concluded that a computer tool based on an algorithm is not appropriate because it is too rigid.
Choosing a manageable number of appropriate indicators is going to be key for assessing new technologies.
The uptake process, and particularly the tipping point stage between piloting and widespread adoption, is generally done badly and there appears to be little guidance or support in the literature. However, what is clear is that guiding the user through this process will require a lot of emphasis on stakeholder mapping and defining clear goals and responsibilities for all involved.
Olschewski, A., Danert, K., Furey, S., Klingel, F. (2012). Review of frameworks for technology assessment - Deliverable WP 3.1, A report produced by Skat. The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Technologies (WASHTech) is a project of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme in Africa
English Sanitation systems and technology options (WG4) Sub-Saharan Africa
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