Published in: 2013
KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Keipp, W., Schuen, R., Hoffmann, H.
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This trilogy of working papers covers the topics of technology, finance and hygiene and gives specific recommendations for the integration of non-sewer-based sanitation in urban sanitation systems as well as recommendations for the conceptual and institutional design of hygiene promotion.
The three working papers build on each other and give an introduction into the respective topics, providing further information and relevant practical knowledge in the respective annexes. The following aspects are addressed:
· TECHNOLOGY: definitions, basic information, planning, operation and design alternatives. (Heike Hoffmann)
· FINANCING: institutional aspects, market failures, financing instruments and economic assessment. (Richard Schuen)
· HYGIENE PROMOTION: basic information, behavioral change, programme design and institutional set-up. (Waltraud Keipp)
The working papers address practitioners and project managers in development cooperation and purposely do not choose a scientific representation of content. Selective reading is recommended.
Keipp, W., Schuen, R., Hoffmann, H. (2013). Integrated urban sanitation at scale - Discussion paper. KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Cities (WG6) English Faecal sludge treatment processes Greywater or wastewater Urban (entire city)
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