Published in: 2005
Wafler, M., Heeb, J., Bartels, H., Werner, C., Macwan, M., Gnanakan, K.
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This paper gives a comprehensive overview on the current state (as per end of October 2005) of ecosan pilot projects in India, which are implemented in the context of the Innovative Ecological Sanitation Network India (IESNI) and are supported by seecon gmbh and GTZ (German Agency for Technical Co-operation). These four projects are described in detail:
• The Government of Maharashtra, Department of Agriculture, ecosan pilot projects VANAMATI Nagpur and RAMETI Khopoli,
• the Navsarjan Trust ecosan pilot projets at the Vocational Training Institute “Dalit Shakti Kendra” and at 4 primary schools in Gujarat and
• the ACTS ecosan pilot project in Rajendra Nagar Slum, Bangalore, and the ACTS Rayasandra Campus.
Wafler, M., Heeb, J., Bartels, H., Werner, C., Macwan, M., Gnanakan, K. (2005). Current state of ecosan pilot projects in India supported by seecon gmbh and GTZ.
East Asia & Pacific English Urban (entire city)
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