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NASS-Tage - within SANIRESCH Project

Various Authors (2012)

Published in: 2012

Various Authors

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A conference in cooperation between DWA and BMBF with the title "New water infrastructure concepts for urban planning" took place at the headquarters of the GIZ in Eschborn from 6 to 7 November, 2012. The conference language was German.

The first day of the conference the results of the SANIRESCH project were presented. The second day was devoted to sessions regarding "Integration of alternative sustainable sanitation system in urban planning", "Operator concepts" and "Alternative sustainable sanitation systems – contribution to energy transition and climate protection".

In addition to the sessions mentioned above there were opportunities for discussions and interactions between participants and referents as well as guided tours through the SANIRESCH project.

Content - Summary

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012, Presentation of the results of the BMBF project SANIRESCH

1) Welcoming speech by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Löwe, H. 2012. Grußwort durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

2) Welcoming speech by the DWA, expert panel on alternative sanitation systems (NASS)
Londong, J. 2012. Grußwort durch die DWA, Fachausschuss Neuartige Sanitärsysteme (NASS).

3) Innovative plant technology for treatment of source-separated streams
Paris, S. 2012. Innovative Anlagentechnik für die Stoffstrombehandlung.

4) Operation and optimisation of the struvite precipitation reactor and the membrane bioreactors
Heynemann, J. 2012. Anlagenbetrieb und –optimierung des MAP-Fällungsreaktors und der Membranbioreaktoren.

5) NoMix-Toilets: experiences and prospects
Rüster, H-C. 2012. NoMix-Toiletten: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven.

6) Pharmaceutical residues in urine and struvite - determination and behavior during storage, precipitation and drying
Schürmann, B. 2012. Medikamentenrückstände in Urin und Struvit – Nachweis und Verhalten bei Lagerung, Fällung und Trocknung.

7) Agricultural application of yellowwater and struvite - practical application and legal framework
Arnold, U. 2012. Landwirtschaftliche Nutzung von Gelbwasser und MAP – praktischer Einsatz und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen.

8) Economic aspects of the SANIRESCH concept and relevant success factors
Winker, M. 2012. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte des SANIRESCH-Konzepts und relevante Erfolgsfaktoren.

9) International adaptability - how far can it go?
Löw, K. 2012. Internationale Übertragbarkeit – wie weit kann sie gehen?

10) NoMix-Toilets - between acceptance and refusal
Romich, M. 2012. Die NoMix-Toiletten – zwischen Akzeptanz und Ablehnung.

11) Farmers and consumers - how far urine and urine products is accepted
Spoth, K. 2012. Landwirte und Konsumenten - wie weit geht die Akzeptanz der Nutzung von Urin und Urinprodukten.

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012, NASS integration in urban planning

1) Integration in urban planning - what means NASS for the city of the future
Stokmann, A. 2012. Integration in die Stadt- und Freiraumplanung – was bedeutet NASS für die Stadt der Zukunft?

2) DWA-A 272 – new process sheet about the implementation of alternative sanitation systems
Hillenbrand, T. 2012. DWA-A 272 – neues DWA-Arbeitsblatt zur Umsetzung neuartiger Sanitärsysteme.

3) Which NASS are particular promising for Germany
von Horn, J. 2012. Welche NASS sind für Deutschland besonders erfolgsversprechend?

4) Hamburg Wasser and the Hamburg Water Cycle in the Jenfelder Au
Meinzinger, F. 2012. Hamburg Wasser und der Hamburg Water Cycle in der Jenfelder Au.

5) Economics of decentralisation - economic feasibility analysis using the example of KREIS and its analysis potential
Alfen, W. 2012. Ökonomie der Dezentralität – Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung am Beispiel KREIS und ihr Analysepotential.

6) Operational concept of the decentralised vacuum sewer project Sneek in the Netherlands
Meulmann, B. 2012. Betreiberkonzept des dezentralen Projekts Sneek mit Vacuumentsorgung in den Niederlanden.

7) Energy generation in greywater recycling through pre-connected heat recovery
Nolde, E. 2012. Energiegewinnung im Grauwasserrecycling durch vorgeschaltete Wärmerückgewinnung.

8) Material flow accounting of different wastewater systems - hotspots of CO2 and energy
Oldenburg, M. 2012. Stoffstrombilanzierung verschiedener Abwassersysteme – Hotspots von CO2 und Energie.

9) Potential contribution of NASS products for fertiliser usage and their impact on greenhouse gas emissions in different countries
Vinneras, B. 2012. Potentieller Beitrag der NASS-Produkte zur Düngernutzung und ihre Auswirkungen auf Treibhausgasemissionen in verschiedenen Ländern.

10) Future prospects and perspectives for NASS
Londong, J. 2012. Ausblick und Perspektiven für NASS.

Bibliographic information

Various Authors (2012). NASS-Tage - within SANIRESCH Project.

Filter tags

Europe & Central Asia German Presentations Urine


Conference proceedings

Format: pdf file
Size: 2.42 MB

Welcoming speech by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Format: pdf file
Size: 1 MB

Welcoming speech by the DWA, expert panel on alternative sanitation systems (NASS)

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.26 MB

Integration in urban planning - what means NASS for the city of the future

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Size: 5.67 MB

DWA-A 272 – new process sheet about the implementation of alternative sanitation systems

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Size: 1.21 MB

Which NASS are particular promising for Germany

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Size: 3.51 MB

Hamburg Wasser and the Hamburg Water Cycle in the Jenfelder Au

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Size: 1.65 MB

Economics of decentralisation - economic feasibility analysis using the example of KREIS and its analysis potential

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Size: 0.38 MB

Operational concept of the decentralised vacuum sewer project Sneek in the Netherlands

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Size: 1.04 MB

Energy generation in greywater recycling through pre-connected heat recovery

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Size: 2.55 MB

Material flow accounting of different wastewater systems - hotspots of CO2 and energy

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Size: 1.06 MB

Potential contribution of NASS products for fertiliser usage and their impact on greenhouse gas emissions in different countries

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.96 MB

Future prospects and perspectives for NASS

Format: pdf file
Size: 1.29 MB

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