Published in: 2021
Pages: 8
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Alexandra Campbell-Ferrari
Partner profile:
The Center for Water Security and Cooperation
The Center for Water Security and Cooperation (CWSC) recently published two discussion papers analyzing access to water and sanitation. One paper sets forth a global definition of "Access" to water and sanitation to chart a path for lasting progress. The second paper makes the case for repealing laws in the United States that allow water to be shut off to low-income households for their inability to pay the water bill.
This paper seeks to connect the major components of water and sanitation provision into a single unified theory of access that combines source water protection, sufficient household infrastructure, and quality service provision. The paper argues that all of these major components must be fully provided and protected in order for a government to ensure access to water and sanitation now, later, and for all.
CWSC (2021). Access Defined Linking Source, Shelter, and Service. CWSC
English Factsheets and policy briefs
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