Published in: 2021
Pages: 9
WoMena Denmark
Sørensen, K. H., Kurp, A.
Uploaded by:
Marianne Tellier
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Foreign sex workers in Denmark are triply marginalised - due to their profession, legal status, as well as in matters related to menstruation. This pilot project aimed to assess the acceptability of the menstrual cup (MC) as well as education in menstrual health management (MHM) amongst 26 women from this group using the 'Nest International’' centre, who volunteered to be part of the project. They were provided with MCs and education. Given their legal status, consistent follow-up and advice proved difficult to undertake, with only 11 agreeing to a follow up interview. Most of those interviewed reported using both MCs and alternative MHM products. Lessons learned concern both the challenges in consistently supporting this mobile group, and the challenges in interviewing them.
Sørensen, K. H., Kurp, A. (2021). Menstrual Health Management amongst the Nest International’s Users in Copenhagen-Pilot Project. WoMena Denmark
English Europe & Central Asia Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH)
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