Published in: 2023
Pages: 29
University of Technology Sydney - Institute for Sustainable Futures (UTS-ISF)
Avni Kumar, Jess MacArthur, Professor Juliet Willetts
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The integration of gender equality and inclusion within water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) service provision is critical to ensuring sustained and equitable access. Efforts to integrate gender considerations in the WASH sector have evolved from an instrumental approach towards a more transformational approach that supports dual outcomes in WASH and in gender equality more broadly. This report presents the results of a rapid review of gender integration in sanitation work globally. By highlighting current efforts to address gender equality in sanitation, and analysing them across the various levels of gender-integration, the report provides a view into different entry points for WASH practitioners. It also identifies important elements of good practice to shape sanitation and gender integration efforts, as well as presents key policy changes needed at global, national and subnational level, to enable a more fair and just sanitation sector that improves both gender equality and sanitation outcomes
Avni Kumar, Jess MacArthur, Professor Juliet Willetts (2023). Strengthening gender integration in sanitation programming and policy: Insights from literature and practice. University of Technology Sydney - Institute for Sustainable Futures (UTS-ISF)
English Gender equality Gender transformative WASH Highlight on Gender Theme Page
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