Published in: 2003
Ecological Sanitation Research (EcoSanRes), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Morgan, P.
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Maputaland is the region of South Africa which forms the coastal plain of Northern KwaZulu Natal. It lies south of the Mozambican border and north of lake St Lucia between the sea and the Ubombo Mountains. The area is mostly flat and sandy with swamp and grassveld which drain into a number of extensive freshwater lakes and pans. The rural population of about 120,000 people is widely scattered with corridors of denser settlement around the community centres. In 1996 the Ubombo Family Well Project was initiated in Southern Maputaland, as a result of a visit made by the Mvula Trust in 1995. Partners in Development cc was commissioned by the Trust to investigate a number of water supply and sanitation options in the area. The method of using hand drilled tube wells and bucket pumps has been and remains successful in this area. The promotion of family and school VIP latrines has also been undertaken by Partners in Development.
Morgan, P. (2003). Experiments with ecological sanitation and pit emptying in Maputaland, South Africa - A description of visits made in 2000 and 2003. Ecological Sanitation Research (EcoSanRes), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
English Guidelines and manuals Sub-Saharan Africa
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