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Thematic Discussion 6 - Private sector engagement

For more information, please visit the discussion on the SuSanA Forum

Private sector engagement in sanitation and hygiene

Graphic:  BMGF, 2015

0. Synthesis

A comprehensive synthesis of the discussion is available here.

1. Introduction

Sanitation and hygiene interventions have the objective of ending open defecation and enabling access to safe sanitation by households.  This is reflected in the SDG target 6.2 which aims to “achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all by 2030”.

Sanitation marketing is applicable to both rural and urban settings and combines a behaviour change communication component to encourage the adoption of improved and hygienic latrines with a commercial component for developing the right products and services for consumers that are accessible to households at affordable price points.

Sanitation marketing therefore requires strong partnerships and coordination of various government departments, development partners, entrepreneurs and financiers with households/consumers at the centre.

Split into three inter-linked and sequenced sub-themes that explore links between research and practice, the discussion focuses on how and under what circumstances local private sector engagement can ensure sustained health and WASH outcomes. Thematic experts will frame and prompt debates each week as follows:

Theme 1: Raising demand for sanitation and hygiene services: will focus on working with the private sector to raise demand through sanitation marketing and financing options including access to household credit, financing for local entrepreneurs or via other means.

We are keen to explore forum members’ insights and experiences on the following:

  1. Considering the SDG target 6.2, how can sanitation marketing approaches be designed most effectively to increase the percentage of populations using safely managed sanitation services in urban and rural settlements?  What are appropriate roles for the local private sector in supporting these efforts?
  2. Experience and formative marketing research has shown that households do not prioritise sanitation financing.  How do we structure micro-credit financing to make it attractive for households to take small loans for sanitation?
  3. In both rural and urban settings, how do we best link CLTS and sanitation marketing in practice and what sequencing of interventions is required?
  4. What approaches to finance can help low-income urban settlements to access safely managed sanitation services?  What are the enablers and barriers to this?

Theme 2: Meeting demand at the household level:will focus on engaging local entrepreneurs to respond to demand through local entrepreneur engagement around toilet construction and emptying.

Theme 3: Engaging private sector further along the chain: will focus on local private sector roles in transport, disposal and reuse


2. Thematic Timeline

  • Theme I: October 26-November 1: Raising demand for sanitation and hygiene services
  • Theme II: November 2-8: Meeting demand at household level
  • Theme III: November 9-15: Engaging private sector further along the chain

For each area, key questions revolve around the business models and financing options that hold promise, the role of government and external agencies in enabling and supporting enterprise development, and the design of appropriate regulation for small and medium enterprises.

3. Experts

  • Dr Amaka Godfrey, WEDC Loughborough University
  • Lillian Mbeki, Consultant
  • Emily Endres, Senior Program Associate, Results for Development Institute
  • Dr. Nicola Greene, Consultant
  • Hung Anh Ta, PhD Candidate, Asian Institute of Technology
  • Magdalena Bäuerl, Project Officer, hydrophil
  • Andreas Knapp, Managing Director, hydrophil
  • Ken Caplan, Director, Partnerships in Practice (Discussion Co-ordinator)

4. Background Readings

Theme I: Raising demand for sanitation and hygiene

Unicef (2010): Sanitation Marketing in Indonisia:

Water and Sanitation Programme (2014): Scaling up Rural Sanitation:

SNF / UNICEF (2013): Rural Kenya Market Research on Sustainable Sanitation Products and Solutions for Low Income Households:

Australian Wash Working Group: Sanitation Marketing Community of Practice – developing skills to build sanitation markets:

Theme II: Meeting demand at the household level

Theme III: Engaging private sector further along the chain


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