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SuSanA Monthly Webinar 7

"Climate change and the water cycle”

For more information, please click here to visit the discussion on the SuSanA Forum.

The full video of December 15th 2016 recording can be found here.


Climate Change is water change. The effects and impacts of climate change are most dramatically felt through changes in water. But what is the role that water plays in the international climate debate and which opportunities for collaboration exist to combat climate change?

This webinar discussed how climate change is aggravating the challenges that water and wastewater utilities face and strategies for decarbonizing the sector. Water managers in developing and emerging economies are confronted with meeting an increased demand for water and wastewater services of a growing urban population coupled with reduced water availability and the growing pressure to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A carbon accounting tool for utilities was presented (Energy and Carbon Assessment and Monitoring), which supports utilities in optimizing their energy use and wastewater treatment processes to improve their carbon footprint.

Case studies from Peru, Mexico and Thailand demonstrate that through energy generation from biogas, energy efficient pumps, water loss reduction and water reuse, carbon emissions can be significantly reduced across the urban water cycle.


Dr. Astrid Michels, GIZ, Project Manager of the Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate change Mitigation Project

Willy Alarcon, GIZ, Senior Advisor WaCCliM Financing & Carbon Market

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