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FSM2 Conference Materials

FSM2, Durban, South Africa, October 2012

The second conference on developments in Faecal Sludge Management took place in Durban, South Africa. The excellent response to the call for papers resulted in a programme featuring speakers from around the globe, confirming that there is much experience and knowledge to be shared in this critical area.

The Second International Faecal Sludge Management conference (FSM2) was structured around the following themes:

  • On-site Sanitation as a Business
  • Socio-political Aspects of On-site Sanitation
  • Understanding On-site Sanitation
  • Toilet Design for FSM Optimisation
  • Pit Emptying – What are the Options?
  • The How of Faecal Sludge Treatment
  • Waste Not Want Not - Beneficial Use of Faecal Sludges
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Health Aspects of Faecal Sludges

Conference report

The conference papers are available in the SuSanA library.

Feedback from participants can be found on the SuSanA discussion forum.

More information on the conference can be found at the event organiser Partners in Development (PID) website.

The available FSM2 conference presentations in PDF can be downloaded below.

Impressions (technical tours)

Technical tours description










Monday, 29 October 2012 (DAY 1)

Opening Session. Chair:
Dhesigen Naidoo

Welcome. Dhesigen Naidoo, CEO, Water Research Commission of South Africa
presentation I video

Durban - Looking beyond conventional sanitation solutions: Neil Macleod, Head, Ethekwini Water and Sanitation (City of Durban)
presentation I video

An overview of the FSM work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Doulaye Koné, Senior Programme Officer, Global Development, BMGF
presentation I video

Reflections on business models and technology designs for pit emptying services. Steve Sugden, Water for People/London School of Tropical Health and Hygiene
presentation I video

Session A1
Chair: Kevin Wall

Challenge critical: Absence of FSM shatters the gains of improved sanitation coverage in Bangladesh WaterAid
Aftab, Opel

Indonesia: Development of urban septage management models
Water & Sanitation Programme: World Bank
Blackett, Isabel
presentation | video

Business Model Innovations for Scaling-up FSM Businesses in Low and Middle-income Countries
Schoebitz, Lars

Impact of prices and tariffs on FSM in Africa
WSA Burkina Faso
Yofé, JeanMarc

Session B1
Chair: Stephen Mecca

Simulating nutrient and energy fluxes in non-networked sanitation systems
University College London
Campos, Luiza
presentation | video

The sustainable sanitation design concept for sludge treatment for cities in Africa
Sustainable Sanitation Design
Gjefle, Karsten
presentation | video

Vacuum source-separation ecosan and decentralized wastewater management in China
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Fan, Bin
presentation unavailable

Investing in people – using human shit and urine as organic fertilizer, energy saver and for economic development in vulnerable communities of Nepal
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal
Goudel, Chhabi Lal

Session C1
Chair: Elisabeth von Muench

An overview of FSM research in Durban
University of KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa
Buckley, Chris

How fast do pits fill up? Empirical evidence and mathematical models
University of KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa
Foxon, Kitty

Accumulation rates of thickenedbottom sludge and its characteristics from water-based onsite sanitation systems in Thailand
Asian Institute of Technology
Koottatep, Thammarat
presentation | video

Pour flush – a new sanitation paradigm in Africa, and implications for FSM
South Africa
Bhagwan, Jay

Session A2
Chair: Linda Strande

Domestic private FS emptying services in Cambodia: between market efficiency and regulation needs for sustainable mgmt
University of Toulouse, GRET
Frenoux, Clément

Best practices in Faecal sludge management – lessons learned from four case studies in the Philippines
RTI International
Robbins, David

The informal sector in faecal sludge management – a perspective from India
Biome Environmental Trust
Srikantaiah, Vishwanath

Session B2
Chair: Alyse Schrecongost

A waterless toilet with electrochemical disinfection and biomass combustion
Duke University
Mazibuko, Mandisa
presentation | video     

Sanitation of faecal sludge by ammonia
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Vinnerås, Björn

The disinfection of latrine faecal sludge with ammonia naturally present in excreta
University of California, Berkeley
Ogunyoku, Temitope
presentation | video

Session C2
Chair: Yu-Ling Cheng

Superhydrophobic materials for FSM
University of Rochester
Guo, Chunlei
presentation unavailable | video

Breathable membrane enclosures for faecal sludge stabilization
University of Delaware
Dentel, Steven
presentation | video

The nano membrane toilet
Cranfield University
Parker, Alison
presentation | video

Session A3
Chair: Stephen Sugden

The Uniloo approach to sanitation in Kumasi, Ghana
Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
Narracott, Andy
presentation | video   

Financially and culturally sustainable applications of Loowatt technology in Antananarivo, Madagascar – early feedback
Purves, Iain
presentation | video  

Reinventing the toilet – a simple, inexpensive solution- multi-use collection bag
Laam Science, Inc
Schneider, Josef
presentation | video 

Session B3
Chair: Marc Deshusses  

Metabolic engineering of microbial platforms to convert anaerobic digestion wastes to biofuel
Washington University
Tang, Yinjie
presentation | video   

Treatment of faeces by viscous heating
Oklahoma State University
Foutch, Gary
presentation | video   

The proposal of plasma gasification for an off the grid sanitation solution
Delft University
Talsma, Laura
presentation | video

Session C3
Chair: Oliver Ive

The potential of treating human faeces with black soldier fly larvae
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Lalander, Cecilia

Diversion for safe sanitation: a new approach to sanitation in informal settlements
Larsen, Tove | video

The earth auger toilet: Innovation in waterless sanitation
Fundación In Terris
Fioravanti, Marcos
presentation | video

Tuesday, October 30 (DAY 2)

Plenary Session (P2)
Chair: Doulaye Kone

Managing Your Everyday Shit: Systems Approach for Faecal Sludge Management
Linda Strande, Programme Leader of Excreta and Wastewater Management, EAWAG/SANDEC

Evolution of a regional wastewater management system: matching decisions to capacity
Pam Elardo, Director, Wastewater Treatment Division, Seattle
presentation I video

Living without Sanitary Sewers in Latin America
Glenn Pearce-Oroz, Regional Team Leader, World Bank - Water and Sanitation Program, Peru

Health and exposure assessments as tools for faecal sludge management
Thor-Axel Stenström, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control

Evaluating solutions to improve access to WASH for the urban poor
Laura Costica, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)

Session A4
Chair: Valerie Naidoo  

Solar-powered approaches to human wastewater and sludge treatment
California Institute of Technology,
Cid, Clément
presentation | video   

Solar-driven thermal toilet with biochar production
University of Colorado
Summers, Scott
presentation | video 

Faecal sludge disposal in situ- a solar toilet solution for dry
countries/sunny zone
Beijing Sunnybreeze Technologies
Ning, Jing (Cancelled – speakers could not attend)  

Inactivation of helminth in a solar concentrator
Sanivation, Georgia Institute of Technology
Woods, Emily
presentation | video 

A unit operations approach for rapid disinfection of human waste based on drying/smoldering of solid and sand filtration/uv disinfection of liquid waste
University of Toronto
Cheng, Yu-ling
presentation | video  

Session B4
Chair: Tove Larsen

Urine fertilizer for vegetable production – a case study in Nepal
University of Eastern Finland
Pradhan, Surendra

VUNA: Nutrient harvesting from urine
Udert, Kai

Individuals’ perception & the potential of urine in agriculture in eThekwini, South Africa
University of KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa
Benoit, Natalie

Incentivising sanitation through urine collection
Tilley, Elizabeth

Management of FS from a mobile communal sanitation facility – a case study of the MobiSan
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
South Africa
Muanda, Christophe

Session C4
Chair: Bjorn Vinneras

Resource recovery from faecal sludge – an elemental approach
Columbia University
Chandran, Kartik
presentation | video

Enhanced anaerobic digestion as a sanitation and energy recovery technology
San Diego State University
Garoma, Temesgen
presentation | video

Effective sewage sanitation with low CO2 footprint
Duke University
Deshusses, Marc
presentation | video

Self-mixing biogas generator
Frontier Environmental Technology
Canter, Tim
presentation | video

Conversion of faecal sludge to liquid fuels. Why and how could it work for small-scale applications
Alianza para la Innovación en Integridad de Infraestructura y Ductos, Mexico
de Silva Muñoz, Leonardo
presentation | video

Session A5
Chair: Gary Foutch  

Vortex bioreactors for the processing of FS and waste water in decentralized waste water
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Allen, Mike
presentation unavailable | video

NEWgeneratorTM membrane biotechnology for the recovery of nutrients, energy and water from human wastes
University of South Florida
Yeh, Daniel
presentation | video

Research on self-sustained e toilet for households /urban-semi urban public / community sanitation
Eram Scientific Solutions
Baby, Bincy
presentation | video 

Session B5
Chair: V. Baghiratan

Experiments on struvite precipitation, application and economic analysis in Arba Minch, Ethiopia
Arba Minch University
Dalecha, Teshale

Nutrient recovery from urine: operation and optimization of reactors in eThekwini
University of KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa
Grau, Maximilian
presentation video

Model-based performance evaluation of the collection of source-separated urine
Hug, Thomas

Session C5
Chair: Kartik Chandran

Highly efficient microbe-mediated energy harvesting from wastewater through nanomaterial decorated three-dimensional multi-length scale porous matrix electrode
Texas A&M University
Han, Arum
presentation | video

Decentralized organic and nitrogen removal from domestic waste in rural Ghana with a microbial fuel cell
Arizona State University
Rogers, Brad

Energy production and sanitation improvement using microbial fuel cells
University of the West of England and Universiity of Bristol
Ieropoulos, Ioannis
presentation | video

Session A6
Chair: Thammaret Koottatep   

The microflush/biofil system: results to date of prototype installations in Ghana
Providence College
Mecca, Stephen
presentation | video   

Floating treatment pods for lake communities
Wetlands Work! Conservation Int’l
Chakraborty, Irina
presentation | video

Five-toilet composting system array in peri-urban slums in Haiti - a report on progress
Salt Lake City
Larsen, Andrew
presentation | video

Session B6
Chair: Elizabeth Tilley

Pit emptying and public health
Partners in Development
South Africa
Louton, Bobbie

Using senecio lyratipartitus extracts as hand disinfectants after anal ablution
University of Eastern Africa
Maradufu, Asafu
presentation | video

Sanitation Safety Plans for Safe Management of Faecal Sludge
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Cissé, Guéladio

Session C6
Chair: John Harrison

Ethics and FSM in Africa
Burkina Faso
Ujah, Oliver

The CLARA project – capacitylinked water supply and sanitation improvement for Africa's periurban and rural areas
Water Research Commission
South Africa
Naidoo, Valerie

Accelerating learning in sustainable sanitation
von Münch, Elisabeth

Wednesday, October 31 (DAY 3)

Session A7
Chair: Nick Alcock   

Thermophilic co-composting of human wastes from urine diversion toilets in Haiti
Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods
Preneta, Nick

Co-composting of faecal matter with bio-char
Hamburg University of Technology
Bulbo, Mammo

Fortified excreta pellets for
International Water Management Institute
Nikiema, Josiane
presentation | video         

Towards sustainable pit latrine management in South Africa through the LaDePa pelletising machine
eThekwini Water and Sanitation
South Africa
Harrison, John

Session B7
Chair: Kitty Foxon

A toilet system based on hydrothermal carbonization
University of Loughborough
Martin, Simon
presentation | video     

Thermal processing of solid waste to biochar in urban settings
The Climate Foundation
von Herzen, Brian
presentation | video

Human excreta to energy and biochar in urban Kenya
Aramburu, Jason
presentation unavailable

Reinventing the toilet at UKZN and Properties of Faecal Sludge
University of KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa
Cottingham, Ruth
presentation | video
Velkushanova, Tina
presentation | video  

Session C7
Chair: Isabel Blackett

In search of the ideal pit emptying technology
Partners in Development
South Africa
Still, David

Pit emptying in eThekwini (Durban)
eThekwini Municipality
South Africa
Wilson, Dave

Social franchising principles do work: The business approach to removal and disposal of faecal sludge - from pilot to scale
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
South Africa
Wall, Kevin

Demonstrating the effectiveness of social franchising principles: the emptying of household VIPs
Impilo Yabantu
South Africa
Ive, Oliver

Session A8
Chair: Dave Wilson     

Beneficial use of faecal sludge through deep row entrenchment
Partners in Development
South Africa
Still, Dave

Assessing pollution risk from buried sludge
University of KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa
Lorentz, Simon

Dealing with the rural sanitation backlog in the Chris Hani District Municipality – a case study
Viv Mostert and Associates
South Africa
Mostert, Viv

Direct mode solar sludge drier
Water for People
Magoya, Joseph

Fuel Potential of Faecal Sludge - Calorific Value Results from Uganda, Ghana, and Senegal
Makerere University / SANDEC
Nakato, Teddy

Session B8
Chair: Tina Velkushanova 

Faecal sludge management of decentralised treatment systems in Zambia
Devolution Trust Fund
Mulenga, Jackson and Blume, Steffen

Pilot project on FSM in Lusaka, Zambia
Water and Sanitation Association of Zambia (WASAZA)
Kellner, Christopher

From Waste to Resource - Research on FS Drying Beds in Dakar, Senegal (DAR - De Dechets à Resources)
University of Dakar / SANDEC
Niang, Seydou

Market demand for FS treatment endproducts in Kampala, Accra, and Dakar
Makerere University / SANDEC
Semiyaga, Swaib

Choosing an appropriate sanitation system for citywide sanitation for small towns in India
University Ahmedabad
Chawla, Chandan

Session C8
Chair: Peter Hawkins

Financial viability of faecal sludge collection and transport operators in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Tchonda, Tetouehaki

Building blocks for effective FSM in peri-urban areas: the role of Small- Scale Independent Providers (SSIP) in Maputo
Water and Sanitation Programme, World Bank
Muximpua, Odete

Hygenic pit emptying with low cost auger pump
North Carolina State University
de los Reyes, Francis
presentation | video

Physical characterisation of pit latrine sludge
Mott MacDonald
Radford, Jamie

Working small sanitation enterprise for FSM in peri-urban Maputo: the experience of WSUP
Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor
Baghiratan, Baghi

Plenary Session (P3)
Chair: Chris Buckley

Panel Discussion. So what’s new? What might FSM look like in 2050?

This topic will be introduced by the keynote speakers and then opened up to the floor

Closing Address. Jay Bhagwan, Research Manager, Water Research Commission

Thursday, November 1 (DAY 4) - Technical Tours

LaDePa (Latrine Dehydration and Pasteurisation plant) – pelletising of pit sludge (photos)

Pit emptying in eThekwini (photos)

Struvite generation from urine plant at the University of KwaZulu Natal

The Newlands/kwaMashu permaculture centre and ABR research facility (factsheet)

eThekwini’s informal settlement sanitation provision programme

Program available here

In addition to the following organisantions that contributed and supported the FSM2: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Conrite Walls (Pty) Ltd, Department of Science and Technology, Envirosan Sanitation Solutions cc, eThekwini Metrolpolitan Municipality, International Water Association, Irish Aid - Government of Ireland, San Africa Precast (Pty) Ltd, University of KwaZulu Natal, Water and Sanitation for All in Africa (WSA) and Water Research Comission (WRC); special thanks should go to the event organiser Partners in Development (PID).

In case you have questions or comments regarding the conference, please refer to the WRC, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In case you have questions or comments regarding this webpage, please refer to the SuSanA Secretariat, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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