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SuSanA side event: Special Seminar at AWW, Johannesburg

November 2009 | South Africa

A special seminar "Organisational co-learning for upscaling sustainable sanitation in Sub-Sahara Africa" was organised by WRC, GTZ and SEI on Johannesburg, Nov 8th, 2009 (Sunday) in Johannesburg, right before the Afrcian Water Week (AWW).

This meeting showcased latest experiences, trends and challenges for up-scaling sustainable sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim was to share experiences and to discuss messages to the Second AWW in general, and the sanitation event on Tuesday (10 Nov.) in particular (“Closing the sanitation gap”, by WSP).

View the Flickr slideshow of the SuSanA side event in a new window

The SuSanA special seminar was organised by:   

Water Research Commission (WRC)
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
German Technical Cooperation Agency (GTZ)




Welcome Notes
Christoph Merdes (BMZ)
Cyprian Mazubane (Department of Water Affairs and Forestry)

Short introduction to SuSanA and the objectives of the meeting, formulation of 5 key messages to the African Water Week
Arne Panesar (GTZ)

Session 1: Political processes and financing overview

Sustainable Sanitation on the international political agenda – evolution and outlook
Nina Odenwälder, (GTZ) Germany

KfW's Sanitation Portfolio in SSA - a mix of sustainable technical and financing options
Ernst von Collenberg, KfW Germany

Funding instruments for sustainable sanitation in urban Zambia
Simone Klawitter, GTZ-Zambia

Session 2: Learning and research supporting sustainable basic sanitation from South Africa”

Science behind dry systems and their challenges
Jay Bhagwan (WRC)

ABR application in dense settlements
Chris Buckley (UKZN)

Dealing with full pits – Faecal sludge accumulation and characterisation
Frances Salisbury (Partners in development)

Franchising O&M of school sanitation – The Butterworth Pilot
Franchising O&M of school sanitation – The Butterworth Pilot (additional information)
Oliver Ive (Amanz’abantu)

Session 3: Drivers for upscaling of Sanitation

Reuse as driver

Urban sanitation and reuse with urine-diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (CREPA-GTZ-ONEA project).
Ida Ouandaogo (CREPA-Burkina Faso)

Short movie from the Niger project:
“Increasing Food Production for Small Holder Farmers - testing Productive Sanitation Systems in Aguié”, Niger"

Political will as the driver

eThekwini municipality - challenges with implementation and up scaling of UDDTs
Chris Buckley (UKZN)

Business as driver

Water for People in Malawi
Kate Harawa (Water for people) Malawi

Ecosan Promotion Project in Kenya is reaching 50,000 beneficiaries (EU-SIDA-GTZ)
Patrick Onyango (GTZ-Kenya)

Dignity and awareness raising as a driver

Behavioural Change and CLTS as a Driver
Francis Mtitu (Country WATSAN Advisor Plan International – Tanzania)

The importance of increased and shared knowledge in the process of up-scaling of Sustainable Sanitation
Ditshego Magoro (WINSA /WRC / EcoSanRes Knowledge node)

Session 4: Panel discussion

Key messages for upscaling sustainable sanitation (draft version for discussion)

Discussion of 6 key messages to the Africa Water Week with 4 panel members:
Cyprian Mazubane (Department of Water Affairs and Forestry)
Cheick Tandia (CREPA, Burkina Faso)
Jay Bhagwan (WRC, South Africa)
Ernst von Collenberg (KfW, Germany)

Moderator: Arne Panesar (GTZ, Germany)


Productive Sanitation in Niger
Experiences and Perspectives from Aguié Province

Participative tests in eight villages demonstrate the effects of using urine as a fertiliser to increase yields. The demand is high for toilets and urinals that make the collection of the "new fertiliser" possible.

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