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9th SuSanA meeting, Addis Ababa

May 2009 | Ethiopia

The 9th SuSanA meeting was held on the 16-17 May 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting was attended by His Excellency, the Minister of Health, Ethiopia Dr.Kebede Wolku who emphasized the need for sanitation in Ethiopia and said that "SuSanA is like WASH movement Ethiopia except that it is international".

We would like to invite you to participate at the 9th SuSanA meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the 16-17 May 2009 directly prior to the WEDC conference. The meeting will be hosted by WSP and the Ethiopian WASH coalition.

Venue: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (

Day 1 (Saturday) will focus on working group meetings. Working group leads who would like to organise a working group meeting on 16 May should inform This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and should organise and communicate this to their respective working group members.

Day 2 (Sunday) will focus on presentation of results form the working groups and developments in SuSanA, and is open to potential new members (e.g. participants from the WEDC conference).

Minutes, evaluation and agenda of the meeting

Agenda of the meeting in Addis (PDF). (11th May 2009)
Minutes of the meeting (PDF) 


DAY 1 - Session 1 - WG meetings

The Challenging Knowledge Gap
Madeleine Fogde, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
WG02 (including presentation from working group meeting)
SuSanA working group 02 costs and economics of sustainable sanitation
Elisabeth von Münch & Steffen Blume, GTZ, Germany
Financial and Economic Analysis of Ecological Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gerald Eder, WSP
Sustainable Sanitation in Cities
Rahul Ingle, gtz, Germany
Sustainable Sanitation for Cities
Arne Panesar gtz, Germany and C. Luthi, EAWAG-Sandec, Switzerland
Sustainable School Sanitation
Annie Shangwa
National Urban School Sanitation Initiative in India
Katharina Conradin, Arne Panesar and RS Arun Kumar
Sustainable Sanitation in Schools WHY - WHAT - HOW
Hanna Sterve SEI, Sweden
Report from the Working Group 8 “Sustainable Sanitation in Emergency and Reconstruction situations”
Daudi Bikaba, Oxfam
Vision document 2
Pathways for Sustainable Sanitation: SuSanA Visions Document 2
Arno Rosemarin, SEI, Sweden

DAY 1 - Session 2 – Working group 01 meeting on Cap. Dev.

SuSanA special session on Capacity Development Activities for Sustainable Sanitation
Scaling up the use of EcoSan fertilizers - Capacity development in the Kourittenga province
Dr Moussa BONZI, CREPA – HQ Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
NETWAS-Uganda, a National Resource Center for Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene knowledge
Achiro Brenda, NETWAS, Uganda
Capacity building on ecosan approach in the agro sector in Ivory Coast
Bernard Comoe
Regional ecosan workshop for agronomists Ouagadougou 29 sept - 3 oct 2008
Linus Dagerskog, Burkina Faso
Increased Knowledge to Respond to the Demands Emerging from Government Policies
Eugene Dusingizumuremyi, KIST, Rwanda
Capacity Building for H&S in Amhara
Kebede Faris, WSP, Ethiopia
ROSA project Ethopia
Dr. Benedict M. Mutua, ROSA, Ethiopia

DAY 1 - Session 3 – Structure of the SuSanA

Discussion on long term objectives and structures of SuSanA
Arne Panesar, GTZ, Germany and Roland Schertenleib

DAY 2 - Session 4 - Plenary

Introduction to SuSanA and to the agenda of the meeting
Arne Panesar, GTZ, Germany

Towards more sustainable sanitation solutions – SuSanA Vision Document 1
Roland Schertenleib, Eawag, Sandec, Switzerland
Strategic Pathways for Sustainable Sanitation
Arno Rosemarin, SEI, Sweden
The National Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion program in Ethiopia
Hunegnaw Mekonnen Federal Ministry of Health Ethiopia

DAY 2 - Session 5 – Plenary WGs

The Challenging Knowledge Gap - Working Group 01 : Capacity Development
Madeleine Fogde, SEI, Sweden

SuSanA working group 02 Costs and economics of sustainable sanitation
Andreas Knapp / Steffen Blume / Elisabeth v. Münch

WG 03: Groundwater protection, Renewable energies and Climate change
Christian Olt  / Elisabeth v. Münch, GTZ, Germany

WG 04 “Sustainable Sanitation Systems, Technology Options, Hygiene and Health"
Chris Zurbrügg, Sandec / Eawag, Switzerland

WG 05 Food Security & Productive Sanitation Systems
Robert Gensch, , School of Medicine, Xavier University, Philippines

WG 06 Sustainable Sanitation for Cities
Arne Panesar, GTZ, Germany and C. Luthi, eawag-sandec, Switzerland

DAY 2 - Session 6

Report from the Working Group 8  “Sustainable Sanitation in Emergency and Reconstruction situations”
Daudi Bikaba, Oxfam

WG 12 - Sustainable Sanitation and Gender
Rahul Ingle, GTZ, Germany

DAY 1 & 2 - Working Group 05 meeting on food security

Previous activities and current sate of WG05
Robert Gensch, School of Medicine, Xavier University, Philippines
EcoSan fertilizers for a sustainable agriculture: Synthesis of research and dissemination in Burkina Faso
Dr. Moussa BONZI, CREPA –HQ, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Urine and faeces as fertilizers in the CREPA network
Linus Dagerskog, Associate Expert, CREPA ECOSAN program, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Experiments at recycling urine in the school garden
Peter Morgan and Annie Shangwa, Zimbabwe
Criteria list for development of locally adapted farmer guidelines
Robert Gensch, School of Medicine, Xavier University, Philippines
Some results of the urine experimentation with yam and irrigated rice
Bernard COMOE, Agricultural Engineer- ph D student, EcoSan Program Supervisor in Ivory Coast
Systems drop by drop of application of the urine on several crops
Bernard COMOE
Urine collection – storage delivery in Ouagadougou
Linus Dagerskog, Associate Expert, CREPA ECOSAN program, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Methods of using “toilet compost” in agriculture
Peter Morgan, Aquamore, Zimbabwe
Garden Trails using urine as a plant food – Some practical methods
Peter Morgan, Aquamore, Zimbabwe
Large scale handling of urine and faeces
Anna Richert, Consultant
Handling systems (on-site, smale scale), Cagayan de Oro
Robert Gensch, School of Medicine, Xavier University, Philippines

SuSanA special session on Capacity Development Activities

SEI as the lead of the SuSanA Working Group for Capacity Development has the pleasure to invite SuSanA delegates to a special session on 'Capacity Development Activities and Achievements on the African Continent' at the 9th SuSanA meeting at ILRI in Addis Ababa from 15.30-17.30 hrs on 16 May 2009.
The International Year of Sanitation 2008 initiated with the AfricaSan Conference in Durban . At this conference it was recognized that more than 60% of the African population do not have access to safe sanitation and that annually 1 million Africans die from sanitation, hygiene and drinking water-related diseases. The delegates at the Conference agreed that a strong action plan would be needed to get the African continent on track to achieve the MDG target of sustainable access to sanitation and the necessity of each African government to set their own goals for both sanitation and hygiene.  32 ministers committed themselves to the eTikwini declaration and action plan. Within the  action plan the need of developing and strengthening capacity for sanitation and hygiene  implementation, including research and development and  the support of knowledge exchange is an imperative.
In 2008, many African countries further developed their sanitation action plans and many capacity development activities took place to support the governments in their endeavors.
Focus of the session:
“Innovative Capacity Development Activities in Support of the African governments - Efforts to Scale up Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene Education”.
Preliminary Programme
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working group 2 meeting on 16 May 2009

WSP as one of the leads of the working group 2 costs and economics has the pleasure to invite interested people for a half day working group meeting. In the focus of the discussion will be a recently finished report “Study for Financial and Economic Analysis of Ecological Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa” and next steps of the working group.

Draft agenda of the working group meeting in Addis (PDF)

Working group 5 meeting on 15-16 May 2009

The SuSanA working group 5 on food security and productive sanitation systems is planning for a 2-day working group meeting on May 15/16 in Addis Ababa, prior to the general SuSanA meeting that will be held on May 16/17, 2009 and the WEDC conference (May 18-22, 2009) in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
During the last working group meeting in Stockholm (August 2008), the group jointly agreed to update and revise the 2004 SEI EcoSanRes document: 'Guidelines on the use of urine and faeces in crop production' and develop 2 separate documents for the use of urine and for the use of faeces in crop production. In addition to both more generic guides it was furthermore discussed to add a chapter with a detailed criteria list that can be used for the development of individual, locally adapted guidelines.
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) together with Xavier University (Philippines) committed themselves to lead and coordinate the entire development process of both documents and a first draft outline for both documents was already developed and circulated earlier this year. It is envisaged to elaborate both documents until the next SuSanA meeting in Stockholm (August 2009) in order to present it to the entire SuSanA network for final feedback and approval and the final launching of both documents is foreseen for the 4th quarter of the 2009.
The draft outline for both documents as well as a draft agenda for the meeting is provided in the download section. Any further input or feedback from your side is highly appreciated and can still be incorporated easily. All of you who consider to participate at the said meeting or regardless of their absence would like to be involved in the further development process of the guidelines would like to provide their feedback should do so until the workshop to the contact persons mentioned below.
If you feel that there is a specific part where you would like to contribute or if you wish to take responsibility for a whole chapter, or part of a chapter, or if you have any up-to-date information or good examples based on your local experiences, as well as information on existing field/ demonstration trials etc.then kindly let us know as well.

Focus of the meeting:

The development of guidelines for the safe use of urine and faeces in crop production.


Draft agenda (updated on 21st April 2009)

Outline urine guidelines


Previous activities and current sate of WG05
Robert Gensch, School of Medicine, Xavier University, Philippines

EcoSan fertilizers for a sustainable agriculture: Synthesis of research and dissemination in Burkina Faso
Dr. Moussa BONZI, CREPA –HQ, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Urine and faeces as fertilizers in the CREPA network
Linus Dagerskog, Associate Expert, CREPA ECOSAN program, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Experiments at recycling urine in the school garden
Peter Morgan and Annie Shangwa, Zimbabwe

Criteria list for development of locally adapted farmer guidelines
Robert Gensch, School of Medicine, Xavier University, Philippines

Some results of the urine experimentation with yam and irrigated rice
Bernard COMOE, Agricultural Engineer- ph D student, EcoSan Program Supervisor in Ivory Coast

Systems drop by drop of application of the urine on several crops
Bernard COMOE

Urine collection – storage delivery in Ouagadougou
Linus Dagerskog, Associate Expert, CREPA ECOSAN program, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Methods of using “toilet compost” in agriculture
Peter Morgan, Aquamore, Zimbabwe

Garden Trails using urine as a plant food – Some practical methods
Peter Morgan, Aquamore, Zimbabwe

Large scale handling of urine and faeces
Anna Richert, Consultant

Handling systems (on-site, smale scale), Cagayan de Oro
Robert Gensch, School of Medicine, Xavier University, Philippines

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Xavier University)
Anna Richert (SEI)

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