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34th SuSanA Meeting

The 34th SuSanA meeting was held on Saturday 24 August (10:00-16:00 CEST), prior to the Stockholm World Water Week. It was organised by the Secretariat with support and contributions from SuSanA partners, members, working groups, regional chapters and active members. The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format and provided opportunities for both online and face-to-face participants to network, share knowledge and exchange ideas on the thematic priorities identified at the last SuSanA meeting: (1) Sanitation & Climate, (2) Resource Recovery and (3) South-South Dialogue.

The 34th SuSanA meeting was a great success with over 80 participants online and in person! We would like to thank all our 31 speakers and moderators for their valuable contributions and for playing along with the expresso presentation concept! The result was a very dense but easily digestible one-day meeting with a lot of diverse input that kept everyone on their toes!

We hope that both online and face-to-face participants enjoyed the meeting as much as we enjoyed organising it. If you didn't get a chance to attend, or if you'd like to revisit some of the sessions, you'll find the agenda for the meeting below: with hyperlinks to the recordings of each session, so you can go straight to what you're interested in.

Agenda and Links to the Recording

Video recordings:  Check our SuSanA YouTube Channel here: Part 1 and Part 2.

Presentation materialsSuSanA library here.

General Assembly


Welcoming words and presentation of the Agenda

Daniel Ddiba - SEI
Alexandra Dubois - SuSanA Secretariat/GIZ

Opening remarks

Fanni Zentai - GIZ

General Assembly - introduction

Carla Liera - GSC/SEI

SuSanA updates:
a) Launch of the new Susana Portal 
b) The SuSanA Blog 
c) Updates from the Secretariat 
d) SFD Updates 

Bettina-Sophie Heinz & Arne Panesar - SuSanA Secretariat/GIZ

GSC updates of the SuSanA 2.0 processes

Dorothee Spuhler

Forum updates and survey

Chaiwe Sandersee and Paresh Chhajed-Picha - SuSanA Forum

Session 1: Sanitation and Climate


Introduction of the segment (incl. Climate resilient and mitigation positive in Sanitation (Worldbank) and status Quo of the SuSanA WG on Sanitation and Climate

Martin Gambrill - Advisory Board Member and World Bank consultant

CRS Coalition Status Quo and way forward 

Kate Medlicott - WHO

Status of the GCF Sanitation annex 

Sam Drabble - WSUP 

Climate Adaptation

Resilient inclusive WASH in Asia Pacific

Jose Mott - Water for Women

Equity and Urban Sanitation Adaptation doctoral research

Leonie Hyde-Smith - Leeds University

Catalogue of climate-resilient sanitation infrastructures in Benin 

Alexandra Dubois - GIZ

Protecting water sources through climate-resilient sanitation: insights from Bangladesh and Cambodia 

 Elise Mann - iDE

Emissions and Climate Mitigation

GHG Baseline sanitation emissions in Lake Victoria basin riparian countries

Ruth Kennedy-Walker - World Bank 

Combining the SFD and the ECAM tool to create a Sanitation GHG emission calculation tool 

Prit Salian - GIZ consultant

Integrated approach to estimating GHG emissions

Linda Strande - EAWAG/Sandec

Advancing GHG Measurement in Sanitation and Wastewater Systems: Findings from SEI’s Latest Report

Daniel Ddiba - SEI

Progress on the SCARE project

Miller Alonso Camargo-Valero - Leeds University

Annual GHG emissions from sanitation systems in Nigeria & Mozambique Bisi Agberemi - UNICEF
Innovative Sanitation Funding: Sanergy’s Carbon Credit Certification Journey Haroon Dawood - Sanergy

13:00-14:00 Lunch break at SEI

Session 2: Resource Recovery


Introduction of the segment (incl. presentation of the future Resource Recovery Toolbox on SuSanA)

Daniel Ddiba - SuSanA WG Lead/SEI

Local production of bio-based conditioners for improved dewatering 

Nienke Andriessen - EAWAG/Sandec

Nutrient recovery in Bolivia: sustainable fertilizer production from urine treatment in El Alto

    Lourdes Valenzuela - Aguatuya

    Tools for implementing rural resource recovery:  Insights from the Clean and Green Village Framework 

      Linus Dagerskog - SEI

      Innovative approaches to nitrogen management: Lessons from Cape Cod's urine diversion efforts, USA

      Bryan Horsley - Rich Earth Institute  Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center


      Session 3: South-Souh Dialogue


      Introduction of the segment (incl. Update of the SuSanA Africa Chapter)

      Sareen Malik - SuSanA Africa Chapter Coordinator/ANEW

      Networks / Partnerships

      Achievements and scope of the SuSanA Latin America Regional Chapter 

      Lourdes Valenzuela - SuSanA Latinamerica Chapter/Aguatuya 

      WASH Women Networks and the Stronger Together Initiative

      Bettina-Sophie Heinz - SuSanA/GIZ

      SWOPs sanitation strategy

      Asa Jonsson - UN Habitat/GWOPA


      Publications / Communication / Universal Languages
      Sanitation Market Development curated material Jess Mac Arthur - Pro-WASH
      Sector Report for Container Based Sanitation Rémi Kaupp - CBSA
      Fecal sludge management, the beginning or end of an era in terminology? Linda Strande - EAWAG/Sandec
      How to close the gap between research, policy, and practice in the WASH sector: Experiences from one and a half years of scientific knowledge brokering at Eawag-Sandec George Wainaina - EAWAG-Sandec 
      Closing of the SuSanA Meeting Carla Liera - SEI/GSC
      Arne Panesar - SuSanA Secretariat

      16:15 - 18:00 Mingle at SEI (snacks and refreshments) or breakout room SuSanA & the CRS coalition (16:30-17:30)

      19:00 - 22:00 Joint evening at the Djurgårdsbron/sjöcafet restaurant.

      You'll find the full agenda overview here.

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