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SuSanA News November 2018

SuSanA News   2018-11
SuSanA News, November 2018
Dear SuSanA members and partners,

Happy World Toilet Day!

What plans do you have for November 19th this year? Do you participate in the Urgent Run worldwide for improved (school) toilets? Are you part of a flashmob or joining a webinar with us? Or posting a selfie with your favourite toilet cleaner? #HonourOurCleaners

This year marks the 17th WTD celebrations. Do not miss out on celebrating the day marked for toilets and towards having safe toilets for all by 2030. Let us populate information on World Toilet Day activities, campaigns, workshops and ideas from all over the world in the SuSanA Forum.

On the official World Toilet Day website, you can find inspiring stories, podcasts, download posters, logos and guidelines to make waves and take a look at the global World Toilet Day event database!

When nature calls, take action!

Arne, Doreen, Franziska, Shobana and Hajrah
from the SuSanA Secretariat
Where there are no sewers
Photoessays on sanitation workers in urban India
Pictures say a thousand words. SuSanA just launched a photo essay publication today during the World Toilet Summit in Mumbai. The essays capture intricate details on the ordeals of sanitation workers - the manual scavengers and pit emptiers.

"Rajan is from a family of scavengers and he inherited his job when he was just 14 years old. He lives with his wife and sons in a two-room house, with a small main room leading to an even smaller kitchen. The house is right next to an open drain, but it is spotless inside."
World Toilet Summit & Insight Series
SuSanA India Chapter
The SuSanA India Chapter was a part of the National Insight Series roundtable organised by India Sanitation Coalition, Taru and IRC on the topic ”Experiences sharing on wastewater challenges and solutions” a day before the World Toilet Summit in Mumbai.

This year’s theme for World Toilet Summit is “When Nature Calls” inspired by nature playing a vital role in providing solutions to sanitation challenges the world faces.
New Regional Chapter
SuSanA Latin America Chapter (SuSanA Latinoamérica)
We are happy to announce that the Latin America Chapter has kicked off its activities in September 2018.

We are excited to welcome Lourdes Valenzuela from Aguatuya, Bolivia as Regional SuSanA Coordinator to the team.
Journalists in Action
West Asia North Africa (WANA) Chapter
The West Asia North Africa (WANA) Chapter announced a call for female journalists to join a journalistic journey.

Five women from Jordan and Lebanon will be chosen to take part in this initiative. The interactive workshop will enable them to choose one pressing topic from the region to write a well-researched story. This initiative will therefore result with 5 reports about pressing water and sanitation challenges in three languages.

The reports will be published on the SuSanA platform, social media, and local press.
SuSanA’s Working Groups Updates
New leads, updating factsheets
We are happy to introduce new co-leads for the SuSanA Working Groups. Welcome to the SuSanA team! We are looking forward to your contributions.

WG3 - Renewable energies and climate change, Sören Rüd (GIZ GmbH).

WG12 - WASH and nutrition, Jovana Dodos (Action Contre la Faim).
New webinar and Thematic Discussion
WHO Guidelines on Sanitation and Health
The joint webinar of SuSanA, WHO and UN-Water was full house already. We are happy to see a high interest and a second webinar might follow, stay tuned!

A unique opportunity for SuSanA members to discuss the new global guidelines with authors and experts is the thematic discussion that will continue from 19 November to 10 December in the SuSanA Forum - see the link below.
Sanitation articles on Wikipedia
Confused by all the abbreviations used in the sanitation sector? Don`t worry! There is a list of abbreviations & acronyms commonly used in the sanitation sector in Wikipedia - check the link below.

We are currently running a feedback survey regarding the sanitation-related content in the English language Wikipedia. Your answers will help guide the future direction of Wikipedia editing work that is desired by SuSanA members and others.
SuSanA Project Database
We now have 470 sanitation projects in our global project database!

For you to find what you are looking for as quickyl as possible, there is a new 4-minute video showing the filter and search functions and a general overview on what the project database offers.

WASH in Schools (WinS) O&M
An app-based O&M Costing Tool
The GIZ programmes “Sustainable Sanitation” and “Fit for School” are currently developing an app for the user-friendly and comprehensible budgeting of O&M costs for WASH infrastructure in schools.

The app will help users – e.g. school principals – to understand what costs typically arise for O&M in a school per year/student. Proper O&M is especially important, as only toilets that are accessible, private and functional can be classified as usable toilets under the SDG WinS Monitoring Framework (WHO/UNICEF JMP).
New SFD Reports
17 New SFD Reports now online
The SFD Promotion Initiative (SFD PI) is pleased to announce the publication of new SFD reports for 17 cities around the world. The new reviewed reports were prepared by WaterAid and GFA and bring insights on sanitation in 10 countries.

Discover the new SFDs from Saidpur (Bangladesh), Manaus and São Paulo (Brazil), Ouagadougou and Ouahigouya (Burkina Faso), Battambang and Kampong Chhnang (Cambodia), Douala and Yaoundé (Cameroon), Kakuma and Mavoko (Kenya), Lahan (Nepal), Buon Ma Thuot and Da Lat (Vietnam), Jatoi and Thatta (Pakistan) and Lusaka (Zambia).
SFDs at Reinvented Toilet Expo
SFDs at the Reinvented Toilet Expo in Beijing
Bill Gates used the SFD during his opening speech at the Reinvented Toilet Expo in Beijing on 6th November 2018. The Expo was hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation together with other innovators, financiers and governments between 6th and 8th November to promote innovative sanitation solutions especially applicable in the developing world.
New in the Library!
SuSanA welcomes new partners!
We are happy to see SuSanA grow! Since the last News Mail, Asian Institute of Technology from Thailand joined our community, summing up to 336 partners overall.
Our handpicked list of forum threads
Toilet Revolution published in China
by scottchen (02.09.2018), last replies by: scottchen, scottchen, AjitSeshadri
(total 16 replies)
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The secretariat of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance is located at:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5
65760 Eschborn, Germany

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Resources and publications

Our library has more than 3,000 publications, factsheets, presentations, drawings etc. from many different organisations. It continues to grow thanks to the contributions from our partners.

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The three links below take you to special groups of items in the library for more convenient access:


The project database contains nearly 400 sanitation projects of many different organizations dealing with research, implementation, advocacy, capacity development etc. Advanced filtering functions and a global map are also available. Information on how and why this database was created is here.

People working for SuSanA partners can add their own projects through their partner profile page. You might need your SuSanA login upgraded for this purpose. Please contact us if you would like to add a project.

Trainings, conference and events materials

Missed important conferences or courses? Catch up by using their materials for self study. These materials have been kindly provided by SuSanA partners.

Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub




Discussion forum

Integrated content

We are hosting content from some other communities of practice and information-sharing portals. This section also provides a link to SuSanA's Sanitation Wikipedia initiative.

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