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SuSanA News April 2019

SuSanA News 2019-04
SuSanA News, April 2019
Dear SuSanA friends,

It is time again for the SuSanA News. The past months were filled with conferences and meetings, expanding the network with new members and partners. In this edition, you will find a follow-up on the latest events, as e.g. the FSM5 and AfricaSan conferences, the launch of SuSanA Latinoamérica at LATINOSAN, and the SFD Week.

The next SuSanA meeting will take place prior to the World Water Week in Stockholm on Saturday, 24th August 2019 - make sure to save the date!

SuSanA is currently revisiting its purpose, governance and organisational setup. This process should take it from SuSanA 1.0 to SuSanA 2.0 - with more impact in the sustainable sanitation world through its members and partners. Hence, we are looking for engaged individuals to compose a Change Management Task Force (CMTF) that will steer the process. We invite you to nominate people you know or yourself for this Task Force until May 7th.

Stay tuned and have a great time!

Arne, Cecilia, Doreen, Franziska, Mintje, Shobana and Magdalena
from the SuSanA Secretariat
Organisational Development in SuSanA
The creation of a Change Management Task Force
Ever since its inception SuSanA has been a great success and has grown to a vast network of 340 partner organisations and 10,000 members. The Core Group of SuSanA has now decided to revisit the current structures within SuSanA - to analyze how the growth of SuSanA can be accommodated, where more formalization and a change in governance can contribute to reaching its vision and objectives, and to put respective steps into practice.

The organisational development process will be steered by a Change Management Task Force (CMTF) through a participatory and iterative process. The CMTF will consist of 7 individuals, which will represent the different constituencies of SuSanA and will have support from consultants as well as from the SuSanA Secretariat.

Hence, active SuSanA members or even people outside of the network can be part of the CMTF! Are you interested in becoming a member of the CMTF or you know the perfect candidate? Please visit the SuSanA organisational development page below to nominate yourself or someone you know. Submissions for nominations of CMTF members are open until May 7th, 2019.
SuSanA reaches 10,000 members
Celebration at 27th SuSanA meeting and exhibition booth
After the 10th anniversary of SuSanA in 2017, we have a new milestone to celebrate - the network has reached over 10,000 individual members.
The celebrations were held during the 27th SuSanA meeting and exhibition booth at FSM5/AfricaSan5. The reach and continuous growth of the SuSanA illustrate the demand for global partnerships, networks and exchange - and also how digitalization is enabling us to do so more freely. Especially, the SuSanA Discussion Forum hosts a wealth of expert content and facilitates the dissemination of questions, shared learnings and announcements among the members.
27th SuSanA meeting
Cape Town, South Africa
The 27th SuSanA meeting took place in Cape Town, South Africa on the 16th of February, 2019 prior to the AfricaSan5 and FSM5. The meeting was jointly organised by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and the SuSanA Secretariat.
The meeting had a variety of speakers from the region and beyond with over 80 participants focusing on policy, enabling environment, financing, gender and the SDG interlinkages.
FSM5 and AfricaSan5
A retrospect on the conferences
Two of the world’s most significant sanitation conferences, AfricaSan and Faecal Sludge Management (FSM), joined forces in Cape Town, South Africa, from 18th to 22nd February 2019, in what can only be described as an inspiring, unique and exciting setting that flawlessly amalgamated the political governmental focus of the AfricaSan conferences and the technical expertise of the FSM community. More than 1,300 conference attendees from 79 countries, comprising of sector professionals, government, policy makers, investors, service providers and development partners, joined in political dialogues and technical sessions. The sessions focused on providing affordable, sustainable sanitation solutions, in line with the legal and institutional framework of the respective African member states.
San José, Costa Rica
From 1st – 3rd April 2019, Costa Rica hosted the V LATINOSAN, the Latin-American Sanitation Conference. During the three days, around 1,300 people from 30 countries have gathered to advance the debate and exchange on the challenges to reach universal access to safe sanitation services, including faecal sludge management. The San José Declaration, signed by representatives of 19 countries, reaffirms previous commitments towards the realization of the human right to water and sanitation and towards the 2030 Agenda. Amongst the highlights of the conference is the launch of the Observatory for water and sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean (OLAS). The next LATINOSAN conference will take place in Bolivia in 2022.
The launch of SuSanA Latinoamérica
A new SuSanA regional chapter
During the LATINOSAN conference, the new SuSanA regional chapter - SuSanA Latinoamérica - was officially launched. The event was moderated by Sergio Pérez, a water and sanitation specialist from the IDB, and hosted over 70 attendees. Cecilia Rodrigues (SuSanA Secretariat) gave a short summary of the global impact of SuSanA and the tools that the platform offers. The specific objectives of the Chapter were highlighted by the chapter coordinator Lourdes Valenzuela (AGUATUYA) and three experts (BORDA, ACEPESA, GIZ) working in the Latin American region shared experiences from the sanitation sector.
Join SuSanA Latinoamérica
Social media channels and regional mailing list
After the launch of SuSanA Latinoamérica, the Chapter has now its own social media channels. Follow SuSanA Latinoamérica on both Facebook (Susana Latinoamérica) and Twitter (@SuSanALatinoam1), and read firsthand about what is happening in the region. Additionally, you are invited to subscribe to the mailing list for SuSanA Latinoamérica by following the link below. The information distributed will be handled primarily in Spanish to reach a wider community within the Latin American countries.
SuSanA WANA Chapter
Launch of the Arabic SFD Manual and the Opinion section
The West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Chapter has launched the Arabic SFD manual at the FSM5 Conference last month in Cape Town, South Africa.
Furthermore, an Opinion section on the SuSanA WANA portal was initiated, which gives you the opportunity to share your opinion and read what other members think. The first opinion editorial on water scarcity is already available on the Opinion section.
SuSanA India Chapter
Thematic Discussion Series Synthesis
A new Thematic Discussion with the theme "Setting Standards and Financing Waste Water Management in India" was held by the SuSanA India Chapter in February. The discussion built on five topics identified during the ‘Insights Discussion’ on sharing experiences on waste water challenges and solutions in Mumbai in November 2018 and covered two discussion streams: 1) Standards for Institutionalizing use of Wastewater in Irrigation and 2) Financing capital and running costs.
SFD Week in India
How to take advocacy into action
CSE hosted the SFD Week 2019 at the Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute (AAETI) in Rajasthan, India. AAETI is a new education and training institute to communicate the science, complexity and politics of environment across India, South Asia and the world. The event focused on “Designing and Implementing Affordable and Sustainable Citywide Sanitation for All”. Before the SFD Week, CSE published 66 factsheets serving as a sanitation snapshot of urban Uttar Pradesh.
Arne Panesar, Head of SuSanA Secretariat, presented the (hi)story and success of already 12 years of SuSanA and how to take advocacy to action with the SFD tool, covering the reach of the SFD approach, success stories and its potential as a monitoring tool.
Latest SFD News
SFD Data page and SFD Thinkings
The SFD PI Update No. 9 was released in the SuSanA Forum. One of the latest achievement is the launch of the SFD Data page. Here, you will find visualised data for all cities (85), for which an SFD has been produced. The database allows you to quickly find any SFD report you are searching for.
SFDs and also SFD Thinkings, which give interesting insights into the diverse use of the SFD approach, are continuously produced around the globe and published on the SFD Worldwide page.
SuSanA’s Working Groups Updates
A new lead for WG1
We are happy to introduce a new lead for the SuSanA Working Group 1. Welcome to the SuSanA team! We are looking forward to the collaboration.

WG1 - Capacity development, Laura Kohler (CAWST).
New in the Library!
SuSanA welcomes new partners!
We are happy to see SuSanA grow! Since the last News Mail, Gather joined our community, summing up to 341 partners overall.
Our handpicked list of Forum threads
Faecal sludge quantification or accumulation rate
by burton (26.03.2019), last replies by: burton, burton, isabelblackett
(total 9 replies)
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The secretariat of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance is located at:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5
65760 Eschborn, Germany

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The project database contains nearly 400 sanitation projects of many different organizations dealing with research, implementation, advocacy, capacity development etc. Advanced filtering functions and a global map are also available. Information on how and why this database was created is here.

People working for SuSanA partners can add their own projects through their partner profile page. You might need your SuSanA login upgraded for this purpose. Please contact us if you would like to add a project.

Trainings, conference and events materials

Missed important conferences or courses? Catch up by using their materials for self study. These materials have been kindly provided by SuSanA partners.

Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub




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