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newsmail june 2012

SuSanA News Mail June 2012

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Dear SuSanA members and partners,

This monthly e-mail informs you about the latest news from SuSanA and the SuSanA partners. This e-mail is sent to 2882 subscribers and contains the following topics:
1.   Easy and convenient: SuSanA Forum Digest by e-mail starts this week
2.   15th SuSanA meeting incorporated into 4th Africa Water Week
3.   Recommended reading: Compilation of 13 factsheets on key sustainable sanitation topics
4.   Updated SuSanA powerpoint slides
5.   New SuSanA posters available
6.   SuSanA is growing: We announce four new partners
7.   Monthly SuSanA discussion forum digest: What has been discussed?
8.   New photo sets on SuSanA's flickr account
9.   Brief announcements
10. Sharing Knowledge: New additions to the SuSanA library


1.  Easy and convenient: SuSanA Forum Digest by e-mail starts this week

Have you missed important discussions taking place in the SuSanA Discussion Forum because you don't check there regularly? Same for us - therefore we decided to create a forum digest which is sent by e-mail and compiles an overview of what has happened during the last 2 days.

The digest will help you to keep updated about the latest discussions going on without having to regularily check the forum. It is convenient and helps you save time, since you receive the digest right into your mailbox. Another benefit is that our digest does not rely on external services like Feeburner (up until now we used Feedburner).

If you are already a registered member of SuSanA, you don't need to do anything to receive the digest - we will just use the email address you provided when you registered with SuSanA (if you don't want to receive the digest, there is of course an "unsubscribe function"). For those who are not yet a member of SuSanA this is another good reason to become one:
The forum digest service will start in the next few days.
(Note: receivers of this news mail are not automatically members of SuSanA; please re-register if you are unsure.)

2.  15th SuSanA meeting incorporated into 4th Africa Water Week

The 15th SuSanA meeting was recently held in Cairo, Egypt. This SuSanA meeting was different from previous ones, as it was integrated into the main event, the 4th Africa Water Week which took place from 14-18 May 2012. SuSanA convened Session 8 of Sub-theme 1 ("Water and Sanitation for Development") in the main program as well as two side events.

All the documentation of the event including presentations, photos and videos of the sessions as well as links to relevant discussions going on in the SuSanA Discussion Forum are available online now: The videos of the presentations give those who were unable to make it to Cairo the opportunity to view and experience some of the presentations. We hope you enjoy the 15 video clips as we are quite proud of them!

Please share your experiences with the community if you were able to attend the 4th Africa Water Week and the 15th SuSanA meeting on the forum, the discussion has already begun: Feedback from 15th SuSanA meeting in Cairo.

The 16th SuSanA meeting will most likely be held at the Stockholm Environment Institute on Saturday, 1 September 2012, directly after the Stockholm World Water Week in Sweden. Check on for updates.

3.  Recommended reading: Compilation of 13 factsheets on key sustainable sanitation topics

The first 100 copies of the long awaited SuSanA  publication "Compilation of 13 factsheets on key sustainable sanitation topics" have now reached the SuSanA secretariat. The publication was officially launched in the 15th SuSanA meeting (see above).

The publication can be downloaded on the SuSanA website at the link provided below. You can also request a hardcopy of the publication by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Download publication:

4. Updated SuSanA powerpoint slides

The standard set of Powerpoint slides to explain SuSanA was updated in May 2012. The aim of having this standard set is to make it easy for any SuSanA member to give a presentation about SuSanA and in so doing further promote SuSanA. The following subsections are contained in the powerpoint slides and are now up to date again:
  1. Definition of sustainable sanitation
  2. The structure and five roles of the SuSanA secretariat
  3. SuSanA's beginnings and evolution
  4. SuSanA partner organisations and partner mapping
  5. The five key messages of SuSanA
  6. SuSanA online platform: website and social media
Below is an example of one slide (as of 6 May 2012) showing the growth in the number of partner organisations in SuSanA over the years.

5.  New SuSanA posters available

We are happy to announce that new SuSanA posters are available as downloads now:

Please contact the SuSanA secretariat if you need them in a higher resolution for printing.

6.  SuSanA is growing: We announce four new partners

We welcome the following four new partners who have recently joined SuSanA bringing the total number to 182.

Earth Forever, Bulgaria, is specialised in sanitation and hygiene promotion, awareness raising, introduction of sustainable sanitation technologies through implementation of pilot projects in rural areas, schools and other institutions.

Ecopro, India, is a company based in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, promoting organic farming, ecosan, decentralised wastewater treatment, terra preta, EM practices, biodynamic farming and related concepts and technologies.

AMKA, South Africa, is one of the pioneers in the health and beauty market in South Africa and active since the 1950s. They currently have 1000 employees, 4 factories and produce a range of 400 products which are sold in 35 countries throughout Africa.

MWA (Millennium Water Alliance), United States, is a permanent coalition of U.S. based WASH NGO's. MWA members include: CRS, CARE, Food for the Hungry, Living Water International, Lifewater International,, Water for People, World Vision. MWA implements WASH programs in Latin America, Ethiopia and Kenya.


7.  Monthly SuSanA discussion forum digest: What has been discussed?

Please continue supporting the discussion forum with your contributions to the ongoing debates.

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you require any assistance.


Some of the topics that have been discussed in the last month are:

8.  New photo sets on SuSanA's flickr account

Our photo database on flickr now has in total close to 8000 (!) photos. These are some of the new additions:

New photo sets on
  • South Sudan, new photos of a number of primary schools, a water kiosk and Yei township. Below a photo out of the Yei township set, showing an open drain running along the road.

  • South Africa, new photos of Envirosan in Durban, Conloo and San Africa Precast products and manufacturing facilities in South Africa were added.

We thank Rahul Ingle and Hagen von Bloh for these photos, and we welcome all who have photos related to sustainable sanitation to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and arrange for your photos to be uploaded to the flickr database. By doing so we can grow and enrich this resource further for all to learn from and to promote sustainable sanitation.

9.  Brief announcements

Some brief announcements on other important activities and services of interest for the SuSanA network:

  • Staff changes:
    • Philipp Feiereisen has left the SuSanA secretariat and is now working in the sector programme "International water policy and infrastructure" at GIZ. Thanks, Philipp for your great work with the SuSanA website and forum and all the best for your future!  

    • We are happy to announce that Trevor Surridge, who is originally from South Africa, has joined our team and will take over large parts of the SuSanA website management and SuSanA secretariat. Welcome Trevor!

  • Looking for a job? Check out the SuSanA job section:
    • Recently advertised: Expert National Eau et Assainissement/Énergie (Burundi) (in French) and Eawag-Sandec is searching an intern (French speaking) and a short term Wastewater Expert for GIZ water programme in Afghanistan.
    • If you are looking for new career opportunities in the sanitation sector, you should visit the SuSanA jobs section on our website or on our forum In these sections we offer our SuSanA partners an opportunity to publish their job vacancies. If your organisation wants to advertise a job vacancy on the SuSanA website please send an email to the SuSanA secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

10.  Sharing knowledge: New additions to the SuSanA library

Since the last news mail, we have added another 19 documents to the SuSanA library bringing the total number to 1225 (see where the most recently uploaded documents are shown at the top of the list).

We highlight the following five publications to you:

Winker, M., Schröder, E., Saadoun, A., Kilian, F. (2012). Compilation of the SANIRESCH-Factsheets. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, Eschborn, Germany.
The SANIRESCH project team has written three 4-page factsheets about the MAP (struvite) reactor for urine and about the greywater and brownwater treatment plants (MBRs) installed as part of the SANIRESCH project. These factsheets in English and German provide a detailed and succinct overview of the technical aspects, results of analysis, energy and investment costs. This project is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
In English:
In German:

Rojas, F. (2012). Living without sanitary sewers in Latin America - The business of collecting fecal sludge in four Latin American cities. World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP),  Latin America and the Caribbean (in English and Spanish)

Retamal, M., Willets, J., Mitchell, C., Carrard, N. (2011). Modelling costs for water and sanitation infrastructure: Comparing sanitation options for Can Tho, Vietnam.  35th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough, UK.

Patel, D. (2011). Excreta Disposal in Emergencies: The Use of Bag Systems in Challenging Urban Contexts. 35th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough, UK.

Mikhael, G. (2011). Sanitation market assessment, Freetown, Sierra Leone - VOLUME II: Assessment of faecal sludge emptying services.


You can find more information on events, jobs and news on the SuSanA website. We invite you to send us information on events and news items for publication on the SuSanA website. To provide comments and questions, please e-mail us or use our discussion forum

Kind regards from Eschborn (Germany),
Enno, Elisabeth and Trevor

Enno Schroeder, Elisabeth von Muench and Trevor Surridge
on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(For IT reasons, GIZ staff members need to use this address instead: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Skype: susana.secretariat
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The project database contains nearly 400 sanitation projects of many different organizations dealing with research, implementation, advocacy, capacity development etc. Advanced filtering functions and a global map are also available. Information on how and why this database was created is here.

People working for SuSanA partners can add their own projects through their partner profile page. You might need your SuSanA login upgraded for this purpose. Please contact us if you would like to add a project.

Trainings, conference and events materials

Missed important conferences or courses? Catch up by using their materials for self study. These materials have been kindly provided by SuSanA partners.

Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub




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