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newsmail may 2011

SuSanA News mail May 2011

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  Dear SuSanA members and partners,

This monthly e-mail informs you about the latest news from SuSanA and the SuSanA partners. For more frequent news updates and for an opportunity to write comments, please visit our facebook page: ( This e-mail is sent to 1909 subscribers of the SuSanA mailing list and contains the following topics:
  1. Registration now open for 13th SuSanA meeting in Kigali, Rwanda (17-18 July 2011)
  2. Two SuSanA seminars at AfricaSan3
  3. Grand Challenges Explorations Grants of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded to 5 SuSanA partners
  4. New SuSanA case studies and photos
  5. SuSanA website tips of the month
  6. Identifying gaps in emergency sanitation, workshop report available
  7. Publications from partners
  8. New SuSanA partners
  9. Mark the date: 14th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm (19/20 August 2011)



1. Registration now open for 13th SuSanA meeting in Kigali, Rwanda (17-18 July 2011)

The 13th SuSanA meeting will take place on 17-18 July 2011 in Kigali, Rwanda just before the AfricaSan 3. The SuSanA meeting will be co-hosted by the Ministry of Health of Rwanda, UNICEF Rwanda and the SuSanA secretariat. The registration for the meeting is now open.
Registration link:

For more information on the agenda of the SuSanA meeting, visa, health requirements and hotel accommodation please visit the SuSanA website here:

2. Two SuSanA seminars at AfricaSan3

The Government of Rwanda is hosting the AfricaSan 3 conference, which is being organised by the AMCOW Sanitation Task Force, from 19-21 July 2011 in the capital Kigali.  SuSanA will be organising two seminars in the AfricaSan 3 on the following topics:

The learning network’s approach to sustainable sanitation for all (SuSanA

Linkages between Agriculture and Productive Sanitation: Scaling up Ecosan in Africa

More information on AfricaSan 3: 

3. Grand Challenges Explorations Grants of BMGF awarded to 5 SuSanA partners

On April 28, 2011, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) announced that 88 new global health projects received Grand Challenges Explorations grants. The topic of this award was 'Create the Next Generation of Sanitation Technologies' (Round 6). Five SuSanA partners were amongst the award winners which is great news! 

These five SuSanA partners were awarded  grants for the following projects:
  • Developing Fortified Excreta Pellets for Use in Agriculture: International Water Management Institute, Accra, Ghana
  • Ecological Sanitation for the Base of the Pyramid: Water, Agroforestry, Nutrition and Development Foundation (WAND), Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
  • Universal Slum Sanitation with 100% Safe Reuse of Nutrient: Sustainable Sanitation Design, Oslo, Norway
  • Using Waste To Move Waste: Nature Healing Nature, Houston, TX, United States
  • The Earth Auger Toilet: Innovation in Waterless Sanitation: Fundación In Terris, Guayaquil, Ecuador

4. New SuSanA case studies and photos

The SuSanA case study collection now has 60 case studies on sustainable sanitation from all over the world. Most of them are in English but a few are also in Spanish, Portuguese and German.

The latest addition to this collection is a case study from Mozambique on “UDDTs in flood-response project, Guara-Guara, Sofala province, Mozambique”. The project aimed at providing safe water supply and sanitation to 4,000 people who were resettled  after floods in the less flood-prone Guara-Guara region in the Sofala Province. The case study contains photos of the UDDTs 8 years after construction (only 30% are estimated to still be in use).

Download Mozambique UDDT case study:
Access all case studies, grouped by country and topic:
27 case studies from Sub-Saharan Africa:
Also the SuSanA photo database on flickr  now has  4,900 pictures on sanitation from projects worldwide. The following sets are some of the latest additions to the collection:
Photos of new greywater treatment plant with MBR at GIZ Building 1 in Eschborn, Germany:
Photos from Envirosan, the supplier of urine diversion pedestals for the large eThekwini sanitation project:
Photos of recycling and reuse trials in Zimbabwe from Peter Morgan:
Photos of pupils building toilets in Zimbabwe: Chisungu school sanitation project
Photos from Namibia: Otji-toilets in Omaruru

5. SuSanA website tips of the month

All 34 publications by SuSanA are now shown together under this link (except for the case studies which have their own page):

We have also taken the liberty to recommend “the best and most important” publications in the area of sustainable sanitation, by SuSanA partners and others, see here:

Please let us know if your favourite publication is missing from this selection. The SuSanA library now contains 889 documents.(

6. Identifying gaps in emergency sanitation, workshop report available

The presentations, report, minutes, photos, and videos from the 2-day workshop “Identifying gaps in emergency sanitation  – Design of new kits to increase effectiveness in emergencies” which was held 22-23 February 2011 in Stoutenburg, The Netherlands, are now available online. The organisers of the workshop were Oxfam GB and WASTE.
The sanitation solutions deployed in the emergency response are not sufficient or adequate to meet challenges of floods and high water table, unstable soils, urban and crowded areas. The more tailored sanitation solutions which are required are not developed to be available for immediate dispatch in the first phase of the emergency. As a response to this gap in available technologies, emergency and sanitation practitioners from different key organizations come together in Stoutenburg, The Netherlands to discuss how to improve gaps in technologies for the immediate phase, understand more about product design process and organize the way forward.
Results from workshop and further links:

7. Publications from partners

A. WAND: Sanitation Solutions for Flooded Zones - The WAND Foundation Experience
This publication details experiences in promoting ecological sanitation in flooded zones where pour-flush toilets are no longer effective and where people defecate in the open. Sanitation solution comprises simple single-chamber urine diverting dehydration toilets (UDDTs) and simple urine collectors. In this project, WAND found out that promoting a decentralised sanitation system that is cheap, robust, appropriate and scalable for the bottom poor living in flooded zones is indeed realisable.
Download publication:
B. Sustainable Sanitation Centre at Xavier University: Urine as liquid fertiliser in agricultural production in the Philippines
The manual provides practical, easy-to-understand and mostly picture-based guidance and covers key aspects of the urine use starting from the link between sanitation and agriculture, basic plant requirements, characteristics of human urine and its potential as a liquid fertilizer over health risk management, to the use of urine as liquid fertilizer including detailed application recommendations and alternative urine use options. The manual has been produced as a collaborative effort of the Sustainable Sanitation Center, the Philippine Sustainable Sanitation Knowledge Node, the Philippine Ecosan Network, and the SuSanA working group 5 on food security and productive sanitation.
Download Manual:
C. Ecosanclub Austria: SSP journal
Issue 7 of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) on „Planning tools“ highlights some of the on-going work in this area. The editors define „planning tools“ as tools that are used along the overall planning process/framework. However, the issue on „planning tools“ also includes planning processes/frameworks.
Download Journal:

8. New SuSanA partners

We warmly welcome the following 10 new SuSanA partners, bringing the total to 152:
142: Homeless International from the United Kingdom is an NGO supporting local partner organisations in Africa and Asia who are working with poor slum communities to reduce poverty and to improve living conditions. working in 12 countries in Africa and Asia, supporting slum dwellers to improve their lives and find lasting solutions to urban poverty.

143: AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center is an international nonprofit research and development institution committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of nutritious and health-promoting vegetables.  (special thanks to Robert Holmer for linking the sanitation sector with the vegetable sector!)
144: Terre des homes (Switzerland) - Since its creation in 1960, the mission of Terre des hommes  has been to come to the aid of children in need. It endeavours at all times to defend the rights of children, in times of war and natural disasters, or in less publicised situations of distress.

146: Northern Youth Network  is a youth network based in the Northern Region of Malawi led by active young people. NYN is active in water, sanitation and hygiene and targets schools and poor communities by promoting dignity, quality of life and environmental security.

147: Fundación SODIS works in Bolivia since the year 2001. It is a non-profit organisation that aims at creating, developing and managing sustainable projects to benefit the most vulnerable population. It is involved in water and sanitation interventions, reduction of child mortality and morbidity caused by infections related to lack of safe water such as diarrhoeal diseases.

148: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) aims to contribute to the promotion of international cooperation as well as the sound development of Japanese and global economy by supporting the socioeconomic development, recovery or economic stability of developing regions. JICA actively promotes Sustainable Sanitation in those developing countries in which JICA is active and has been involved in numerous successful sanitation projects.
149: WorldStove, which is based in USA, has been involved in humanitarian engineering projects throughout the world. In 2010, in Haiti as part of a humanitarian relief mission, WorldStove developed a series of separating, low-cost, odour free latrines which used the biochar by product from their small, low emissions, cookstoves.
150: Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting soil resources, empowering communities and transforming wastes into resources in Haiti. SOIL has been active in sanitation whereby they built over 200 EcoSan toilets in internally displaced person (IDP) camps and schools across Port-au-Prince, Haiti after last year's earthquake.
151:  Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT) is a University for Planning, Environment, Development, Human Habitat & Technology. Through its Centre for Research Development & Consultancy (CRDC), Centre for Training & Development (CTD) and other centres  it is actively involved in the field of Sustainable Habitat & Related disciplines.

152: Devolution Trust Fund (DTF) -  is a financing institution (basket fund) which facilitates increased access to sustainable water and sanitation service by formal providers for the urban poor in Zambia. Since operation in 2003, 823,000 people have been supplied with water and by end of 2011, 15,000 people will be supplied with sustainable sanitation services, supported financially by KfW, EU, DANIDA and the Zambian government.

9. Mark the date: 14th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm (19/20 August 2011)

The 14th SuStanA meeting will take place from 19 to 20 August 2011 (Friday/Saturday), just prior to the World Water Week. Our trusted local hosts are once again Stockholm Environment Institute.

The first announcement is available here:


You can find more information on events and news on the SuSanA website: We invite you to send us information on events and news items for publication on the SuSanA website. To provide comments and questions, you can e-mail us or use our facebook page

Kind regards from a sunny Eschborn (Germany),
Rahul, Philipp and Elisabeth

Rahul Ingle,  Philipp Feiereisen, Elisabeth von Muench
on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(For IT reasons, GIZ staff members need to use this address instead: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Skype: susana.secretariat
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The project database contains nearly 400 sanitation projects of many different organizations dealing with research, implementation, advocacy, capacity development etc. Advanced filtering functions and a global map are also available. Information on how and why this database was created is here.

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Trainings, conference and events materials

Missed important conferences or courses? Catch up by using their materials for self study. These materials have been kindly provided by SuSanA partners.

Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub




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