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newsmail july 2011

SuSanA News mail July 2011

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  Dear SuSanA members and partners,

(About Point 1 in French/Sûr point 1 en Français : Si vous avez besoin d’une traduction en français, s.v.p. notifierez-nous. L’information sur la SuSanA rencontre à Kigali est disponible en français ici: )

This monthly e-mail informs you about the latest news from SuSanA and the SuSanA partners. For more frequent news updates and for an opportunity to write comments, please visit our facebook page: ( This e-mail is sent to 2,000 subscribers of the SuSanA mailing list and contains the following topics:
1.    Reminder: 13th SuSanA meeting in Kigali, Rwanda
2.    14th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm prior to Stockholm World Water Week
3.    SuSanA Side event during Stockholm World Water Week
4.    Results of partner mapping and website tip: view partners by category
5.    Two new SuSanA factsheets printed: Schools and Operation & Maintenance
6.    SuSanA DVD version 3 now available
7.    SuSanA case study book for Sub-Sahara Africa published
8.    New SuSanA photos
9.    Publications from partners
10.    New SuSanA partners
11.    Sustainable Sanitation: 5 Year Drive to 2015 launched



1. Reminder: 13th SuSanA meeting in Kigali, Rwanda

The 13th SuSanA meeting will take place on 17-18 July 2011 in Kigali, Rwanda just before the AfricaSan 3. The SuSanA meeting will be co-hosted by the Ministry of Health of Rwanda, UNICEF Rwanda and the SuSanA secretariat. If you wish to attend the meeting but you have not yet registered, please register at the link below (this is very important to us, as we have to plan for the right number of persons).

Registration link:

For more information on the agenda of the SuSanA meeting, visa, health requirements and hotel accommodation please visit the SuSanA website here:

SuSanA is also organising two seminars in the AfricaSan 3 on the following topics:

The learning network’s approach to sustainable sanitation for all (SuSanA) – Tuesday 19 July, Session S4 Sustainable Sanitation, 10:00 – 13:00

Linkages between Agriculture and Productive Sanitation: Scaling up Ecosan in Africa  - Wednesday 20 July, Session T4, 8:00 – 10:00

More information on AfricaSan 3:
Information in French :

2. 14th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm prior to Stockholm World Water Week

The 14th meeting will be held in Stockholm, Sweden on 19-20 August 2011 (Friday afternoon and Saturday whole day) prior to the Stockholm World Water Week 2011 (SWWW). The meeting is hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). Registration opens 19th July.

For more details:
More information on Stockholm World Water Week: 

3. SuSanA Side event during Stockholm World Water Week

SuSanA will be organising a Side event during Stockholm World Water Week. The topic of the side event is ‘Can Urban Sanitation be Sustainable? Sustainable Sanitation Alliance Learnings’. This side event will share the work that SuSanA partners have collectively performed on making urban sanitation more sustainable. SuSanA will also launch two new publications “Sustainable Sanitation in Cities – A Framework for Action” and “Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation (CLUES)" dealing with sustainable approaches to urban sanitation.
The session will be held on Thursday August 25 from 17:45-18:45h.

4. Results of partner mapping and website tip: view partners by category

SuSanA partners can now be sorted by selecting an organisation category. The SuSanA secretariat recently conducted a SuSanA partner mapping exercise where each SuSanA partner was allocated into one of eight categories (local NGO, international NGOs, private sector, research/education, government/state-owned organisation, multilateral organisation, network/association, others). You can find the drop-down “Select by Category” box in the right hand column on the SuSanA partners page here:

Most of the partners are Local NGOs (33%), followed by Education / Research (20%) and International NGOs (14%)
The full results of the partner mapping are available here:

5. Two new SuSanA factsheets printed: Schools and Operation & Maintenance

We had announced the draft versions last year already, finally these two important SuSanA 8-page factsheets have now been completed and printed in time for the next SuSanA meeting (contact us if you wish to order some hard copies). We would like to thank all authors and working group members who have contributed to these informative factsheets!
Abraham, B., Fogde, M., Muench, E., Wendland, C. (2011). Sustainable sanitation for schools - Factsheet of Working Group 7. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA).

Muellegger, E., Freiberger, E., McConville, J., Samwel, M., Rieck, C., Scott, P., Langergraber, G. (2011). Operation and maintenance of sustainable sanitation systems - Factsheet of Working Group 10. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA).

6. SuSanA DVD version 3 now available

The website of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance contains a huge database of valuable information on sustainable sanitation. To make this information easily accessible to people with slow internet access, the SuSanA secretariat at GIZ has produced a DVD which is a partial copy of the SuSanA website ( The latest version of this DVD can now be ordered for free by people in developing countries with poor internet connection.

Request a DVD here: or send us your request at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your internet access is unstable.

7. SuSanA case study book for Sub-Sahara Africa published

The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) has published all 27 case studies which are from Sub-Saharan Africa in one book (the total number of case studies is 60). This case study book will be useful for decision makers, planners, researchers, engineers and the interested public. We have compiled descriptions of well-running projects as well as of less successful projects so that we can learn from past mistakes. Thank you to all authors and reviewers!
Download case study book:
Link to all 60 case studies:

8. New SuSanA photos

We are continuously receiving photos from SuSanA partners, which we upload to our photo database on flickr. We now have over 5100 photos. Please send us your photos of sustainable sanitation themes to share them with the rest of the world.

Latest addition:
My School Loo Contest in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines (with amazing posters drawn by the school children):

Photos from WECF projects in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA region):

Photos of waterless urinals for females in Frankfurt:   

Photos from CREPA about mobile UDDTs for film festivals and similar:
Photos of greywater treatment with MBR at GIZ Headquarters (SANIRESCH project)

9. Publications from partners

WECF: Human right to water and sanitation
Last year, the resolution on the human right to “safe and clean drinking water and sanitation" was overwhelmingly voted for by the United Nations General Assembly. The newly acquired human right is a major step forward for the poor and vulnerable, in particular women and children. But what are the criteria of the human right to water and sanitation? How can it be claimed? This new publication by WECF (Women in Europe for a Common Future) gives guidance on the background and implications of this human right.
Publication download:

SEI: Practical guidance on the use of urine in crop production now availabe in Spanish
This publication, which has recently been translated into Spanish, gives practical guidance on the use of urine in crop production as a vital component of sustainable crop production and sanitation systems. It also includes guidance on how to start activities that will facilitate the introduction of new fertilisers to the agricultural community. The handbook should help in establishing links between research and professionals interested in implementation of sustainable sanitation systems. It is easy to read and informative, with examples from case studies and hints on further reading for those interested.
Publication download in Spanish :

10. New SuSanA partners

We warmly welcome the following three new SuSanA partners, bringing the total to 155:

153: Ecosolutions - Ecosolutions from the United Kingdom is an international consultancy providing services in health, water, sanitation and environment. It has developed ecological sanitation in India and Sri Lanka and implemented construction of over 2000 urine-diverting composting and dehydrating toilets in a range of projects and programmes.

154: Aqua for All - Aqua for All matches expertise from the Dutch water sector to water supply and sanitation projects in developing countries and fosters partnerships in which the expertise of one party complements the requirements of the other.
155: Water Aid (United Kingdom) - WaterAid is an international NGO dedicated exclusively to the provision of safe domestic water, sanitation and hygiene education to the world’s poorest people.

11. Sustainable Sanitation: 5 Year Drive to 2015 launched

SuSanA is strongly supporting this initiative and encourages all partners to use these new advocacy tools in their work and websites:

To accelerate progress on expanding sanitation across the globe and mobilize political will, financial and technical resources, the UN General Assembly in December 2010 called for the Sustainable Sanitation: five-year drive to 2015 – the target date for the Millennium Development Goals. This Drive to 2015 was launched on 21 June at UN Head-Quarters in New York by Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary-General, HRH The Prince of Orange, Chairman of the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory, Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB), Mr. Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director and Ms. Maria Mutagamba, Minister of Water and Environment, Uganda. 
For more information please visit


You can find more information on events and news on the SuSanA website: We invite you to send us information on events and news items for publication on the SuSanA website. To provide comments and questions, you can e-mail us or use our facebook page

Kind regards from Eschborn (Germany),
Rahul, Philipp and Elisabeth

Rahul Ingle,  Philipp Feiereisen, Elisabeth von Muench
on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(For IT reasons, GIZ staff members need to use this address instead: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Skype: susana.secretariat
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The project database contains nearly 400 sanitation projects of many different organizations dealing with research, implementation, advocacy, capacity development etc. Advanced filtering functions and a global map are also available. Information on how and why this database was created is here.

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Trainings, conference and events materials

Missed important conferences or courses? Catch up by using their materials for self study. These materials have been kindly provided by SuSanA partners.

Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub




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