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newsmail aug. 2011

SuSanA News mail August 2011

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  Dear SuSanA members and partners,

(About point 1 & 2 in French/Sûr point 1 et 2 en français : L’information sur la SuSanA rencontre à Stockholm est disponible en français ici: L’information sur la SuSanA rencontre à Kigali est disponible en français ici: )

This monthly e-mail informs you about the latest news from SuSanA and the SuSanA partners. For latest discussions please visit the SuSanA discusssion forum and for more frequent news updates please visit our facebook page: ( This e-mail is sent to 2,210 subscribers of the SuSanA mailing list and contains the following topics:
1.    Reminder: 14th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm, Sweden
2.    Feedback from the 13th SuSanA meeting and AfricaSan 3 in Kigali, Rwanda
3.    SuSanA launches the much awaited discussion forum!
4.    Publications from SuSanA partners
5.    New SuSanA partners



1. Reminder: 14th SuSanA meeting in Stockholm, Sweden

The 14th SuSanA meeting will be held in Stockholm, Sweden on 19-20 August 2011 prior to the Stockholm World Water Week 2011 (SWWW). The meeting is hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).

Working group meetings will take place on Friday, 19 August while the SuSanA plenary will be on Saturday, 20 August. The draft agenda of the meeting can be downloaded here:

Kindly register to assist us in the preparations for the meeting if you are coming. There is no registration fee for the event but you must cover your own travel expenses and accommodation. There is no financial support offered from the SuSanA secretariat to attend this event. Please do not register if you are not yet sure if you can attend.

Register here for the meeting :

For more information on this event,  hotel accomodation, visa and health information please visit

SuSanA will also be organising a side event during Stockholm World Water Week. The topic of the side event is ‘Can Urban Sanitation be Sustainable? Sustainable Sanitation Alliance Learnings’. This side event will share the work that SuSanA partners have collectively performed on making urban sanitation more sustainable. SuSanA will also launch two new publications “Sustainable Sanitation in Cities – A Framework for Action” and “Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation (CLUES)" dealing with sustainable approaches to urban sanitation.

The session will be held on Thursday August 25 from 17:45-18:45h.

2. Feedback from the 13th SuSanA meeting and AfricaSan 3 in Kigali, Rwanda

The 13th SuSanA  was a successful meeting with a vibrant exchange of knowledge and opportunities for networking. The meeting was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Health (Rwanda), UNICEF-Rwanda and the SuSanA secretariat in Kigali, Rwanda on 17-18 July 2011 prior to the AfricaSan 3. We would like to thank all presenters, participants and organisers for the stimulating and interesting event.

For a quick overview of the meeting please view the SuSanA video (8min):

The minutes of the meeting are  available for download here:

View the results of the evaluation survey of the SuSanA meeting:

To view all the presentations at the SuSanA meeting and at the AfricaSan 3 side events, and have impressions of the meeting through pictures and videos please visit the SuSanA website here

3. SuSanA launches the much awaited discussion forum!

SuSanA members and partners have always expressed the need of a common forum where they could discuss topics related to sanitation. We at the SuSanA secretariat - especially Philipp Feiereisen (GIZ) in coordination with the working group lead for capacity development Dorothee Spuhler (seecon) - have now put together such a discussion forum which suits the needs of the SuSanA members. The discussion forum was recently launched at the 13th SuSanA meeting in Kigali.

The discussion forum has a number of interesting sections with subtopics for members to interact and contribute. Members can also create new topics and post queries. You can also subscribe to a certain category or topic to receive email alerts. You need your SuSanA login to post a message but you can read the postings without logging in.

You are warmly invited to participate and use the discussion forum. There are already many active members and  topics on the discussion forum ever since its launch. See for example the discussion on the faecal sludge management

Looking forward to your active participation:

4. Publications from partners

IWA: The sanitation ladder – a need for a revamp?
The sanitation ladder is a useful tool that is being used to monitor progress towards the sanitation target of the MDGs. This tool could be even more useful if it can be refined to be based on the functions of sanitation systems rather than on a hierarchy of predefined sanitation technologies. This paper presents a seven-rung function-based sanitation ladder where the functions can be broadly divided into health functions and environmental functions. The proposed ladder is intended as an inspiration for nations, and the JMP, to move towards a function-based rather than technology-based monitoring of sanitation progress.
Publication download:

EcoSan Club: Solutions for mountain regions
There are thousands of public and private mountain refuges located in the alpine regions. The increased number of
visitors has raised the concerns on the environmental impact on the sensitive ecosystems. To ensure sustainability, integrated management of the alpine infrastructure is needed. Water supply, energy, wastewater treatment and solid waste management need to be assessed together for planning the infrastructure in refuges. A main criterion for ensuring reliable and efficient operation of the refuge‘s infrastructure is the training and involvement as well as the engagement of the operator. Issue 8 of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) on "Solutions in mountain regions“ shows some examples of solutions for mountain regions.
Journal download:

5. New SuSanA partners

We warmly welcome the following two new SuSanA partners, bringing the total to 157:

156: National Institute of Health (NIH) - Islamabad is responsible for the newly created national WHO reference centre of Environmental Health Protection Unit in Pakistan, which includes sanitation development.

157: Africa AHEAD - is an association of committed practitioners and partners who support holistic sustainable and cost effective development through community and school health clubs.


You can find more information on events and news on the SuSanA website: We invite you to send us information on events and news items for publication on the SuSanA website. To provide comments and questions, you can e-mail us or use our facebook page

Kind regards from Eschborn (Germany),
Rahul, Philipp and  Elisabeth

Rahul Ingle,  Philipp Feiereisen and Elisabeth von Muench
on behalf of the SuSanA secretariat
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(For IT reasons, GIZ staff members need to use this address instead: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Skype: susana.secretariat
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Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

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Emersan eCompendium

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