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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Our Structure

Individuals can become SuSanA members by registering at the website. Members can post on the Discussion Forum, participate in working group activities, receive Discussion Forum e-mail digests, news and information from SuSanA, and participate in SuSanA meetings.
Organisations working in areas related to sustainable sanitation can become SuSanA partners. Applications to become a SuSanA partner can be submitted by a SuSanA member working for the organisation. Criteria for partner applications can be viewed here.
There is no fee to become a SuSanA member or partner.

The SuSanA secretariat is run by the Sustainable Sanitation Programme, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany, and has been funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since 2007. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided co-funding to SuSanA since 2012 through Stockholm Environment Institute for various knowledge-management activities. Additionally, several partners contribute in kind to steer regional chapters, organise SuSanA meetings and other events, and to work on joint publications by SuSanA partners.

No, SuSanA cannot provide funding for projects or researchers. Some of SuSanA´s partners might have funds available for researchers, students, interns or activities. Visit their websites or use the SuSanA Discussion Forum to look for funding opportunities e.g. calls for proposals, tenders, applications and expressions of interest (projects and awards).
Sponsorships for individuals by some SuSanA partners are posted in the Discussion Forum.

No, SuSanA does not offer consultancy services. Some SuSanA partners and members do offer these services, and could be approached directly. You can find SuSanA partners in your country here.

No, SuSanA itself is not an employer. Those working for the Secretariat are employees of GIZ. Organisations often post their job vacancies on the Discussion Forum.

Under no circumstances will user information be shared with third parties, as confirmed in our privacy policy found here.  Based on "user preferences," registered members are automatically added to working group email lists  (without the address being visible to others). Anyone wishing to contact a member regarding a Discussion Forum post can do so without the email address being visible.

Partner organisations in a given region can initiate, fund and steer a regional chapter after the approval of the SuSanA secretariat and the core group (SuSanA’s governing body). The SuSana secretariat will provide support, but not funding, for regional meetings. Regional chapters have a chapter coordinator and establish targets and timeframes for activities.

Our online presence

The SuSanA website is a platform for sharing knowledge and ideas on sustainable sanitation. It includes a comprehensive Knowledge Hub consisting of a sanitation library, global project database, conference materials, information on sanitation events, audiovisual products and several integrated content from our partners. It also hosts one of the biggest discussion forums on sanitation-related topics, along with mini-sites for 13 SuSanA working groups and their activities.  Thematic discussions are conducted on the forum from time to time.

The Forum is also a professional platform and a meeting point for all SuSanA members, coming from diverse backgrounds.

You can suggest publications, videos and conference materials for inclusion on the website by sending files or links to We will assess your suggestion to see if it fits the requirements of the SuSanA library in terms of topic and quality.

If you work for a SuSanA partner organisation you can enter new projects and publications directly via your SuSanA user account. The projects and publications will be listed under your organisation’s partner profile and in the SuSanA Library. To upgrade your SuSanA login for this purpose you need to contact

Suggest publications, videos and conference materials for inclusion on the website by sending files or links to  If the topic and quality meet SuSanA’s requirements, the Secretariat will add materials to the library.

SuSanA partner organisations can enter new projects and publications directly via SuSanA member’s user account. Materials added  will be listed under the organisation’s “partner profile” and in the SuSanA Library. To upgrade your SuSanA login for this purpose, contact

To provide the public with accurate, up-to-date information about water, sanitation and hygiene topics, SuSanA members update hundreds of Wikipedia articles. Wikipedia is one of the most frequently consulted sources of information worldwide.

SuSanA members are helping to improve sanitation-related content on Wikipedia. If you would like to contribute your time to the Sanitation Wikipedia project, please contact us at or here on the Discussion Forum.

Yes, most of it is free to use and share. The content (text) of the SuSanA website and the photos that are uploaded in Flickr are available under an open access license (CC-BY SA 4.0). The publications that are within the SuSanA library and the videos in our YouTube channel are free to download and view but have a range of licenses. Please check the license statement of the respective library publication and video carefully before making use of them. Either way, please always cite the source when you use any of the content

No, the SuSanA website does not host paid advertising. 

Please write to to report broken links, incorrect information or other problems with the website. General feedback on the online tools and services that SuSanA offers is also welcome.

Yes, SuSanA members can share information about products and services related to sanitation on the SuSanA Forum, as long as it is part of a productive dialogue with other SuSanA members. If you are unsure, just check with the forum moderator.

Global Steering Committee Elections

The Global Steering Committee (GSC) is delegated by members to govern SuSanA 2.0 on their behalf during the periods between triennial elections (every three year). As such, it is the principal decision-making body and governance vehicle during this period. It is responsible and accountable to members, primarily through the Annual Assembly, for ensuring sound strategic and financial functioning of SuSanA 2.0.

Find out more about the GSC here.

Voting will be online and ONLY for members that are registered. To cater for all different time zones the election will have 4 voting days. During these days members will be able to vote for candidates from their voting region, which is determined by their registration country after logging into their SuSanA account. One member has only one vote. The login assures that only registered SuSanA members are able to vote. You can login here or register as a new member here.

You can find more information on the candidates for 2022 here.

Every SuSanA member can be suggested to the Interim Steering Committee as a candidate for the Global Steering Committee. The ISC can also approach possible candidates. Further the ISC makes the final decision on who will be nominated as a candidate based on their eligibility while also taking the representation of gender, region, sector into consideration.

Please reach out to if you have any suggestions regarding possible candidates for the upcoming election of the GSC. Please find the detailed ToR for GSC members here: The Role of SuSanA´s Global Steering Committee Members (ToR) - Resources • SuSanA

The open call for candidates 2022 is closed.

The positions of the GSC are voluntary and unpaid and each GSC member is expected to commit 3 to 4 hours per month.

Diversities regarding gender, region and sector are taken into account during the GSC election. Every region of the world has the same number of regional representatives, and candidates are nominated from all sectors in WASH. Eligible female members are encouraged to participate in the election for GSC.

The information about candidates, including name, region, a brief biography and a photo, will be collected by the secretariat and then promoted to the SuSanA community through website, SuSanA forum, SuSanA’s social medias and emails.

The seven Voting Regions defined for the GSC election 2022 are:

  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Europe & Central Asia
  • Latin America & Caribbean
  • North America
  • South Asia
  • East Asia & Pacific
  • Middle East & North Africa

The voting regions are set as mentioned above only for the GSC Election 2022 , covering all regions on the globe. The region the voters can vote in will be assigned based on the country entered during the registration process.

The Regional Chapters are established to better connect SuSanA to the regions with their local needs and to make SuSanA's knowledge products and services more accessible “on the ground”. Members can benefit by using SuSanA's regional chapters as a sounding board for issues related to their country or region. The chapters can also help to connect and exchange with other organisations from the region. Current regional chapters are: 

Voting is anonymous, which means SuSanA only knows if someone has voted, but not who voted for whom. The voting is not linked to your personal data.

Only registered members can vote. This helps to avoid multiple voting by one person. For voting, SuSanA will retrieve your registered country and select your voting region accordingly. This happens automatically. However, if necessary, the voting regions can be changed before the election via the voting page. 

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Stay informed about the activities of SuSanA and its partners. The SuSanA newsletter is sent out around four times per year. It contains information about news, events, new partners, projects, discussions and publications of the SuSanA network.

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Resources and publications

Our library has more than 3,000 publications, factsheets, presentations, drawings etc. from many different organisations. It continues to grow thanks to the contributions from our partners.

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The three links below take you to special groups of items in the library for more convenient access:


The project database contains nearly 400 sanitation projects of many different organizations dealing with research, implementation, advocacy, capacity development etc. Advanced filtering functions and a global map are also available. Information on how and why this database was created is here.

People working for SuSanA partners can add their own projects through their partner profile page. You might need your SuSanA login upgraded for this purpose. Please contact us if you would like to add a project.

Trainings, conference and events materials

Missed important conferences or courses? Catch up by using their materials for self study. These materials have been kindly provided by SuSanA partners.

Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

Humanitarian Sanitation Hub

Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub




Discussion forum

Integrated content

We are hosting content from some other communities of practice and information-sharing portals. This section also provides a link to SuSanA's Sanitation Wikipedia initiative.

Suggest content to add »

SuSanA partners

Not yet a SuSanA partner? Show your organisation's support to SuSanA's vision and engage in  knowledge sharing by becoming partners.

Apply to become a partner »

Individual membership

Register as an individual member of SuSanA free of charge. As a member you can interact with thousands of sanitation enthusiasts on the discussion forum.  You can also get engaged in one of our 13 working groups and our regional chapters. Our FAQs explain the benefits further.

By getting a SuSanA login you can fully participate in the SuSanA community!

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