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Bith Meas Primary School Small Wastewater Management System (SWMS)

2014 - 2016 • BORDA


To build and operate small wastewater management system for Bith Meas Primary School in Siem Reap, Cambodia


Bith Meas Primary School SWSM is one of the 69 operating DEWATS constructed with the support of BORDA in Cambodia.

Most wastewater from the primary school in Bith Meas Village in Siem Ream was discharged untreated into soak pit tanks and the surrounding environment. This threatened not only the health of the school children and teachers but also residents who lived near to the school. The existing toilet block in the school did not have sufficient hand washing facilities, gender separation, water supply, storage tank or proper pathway to the school toilets. This posed additional threats to privacy and security needs of the school children.

In order to address these problems, ESC-BORDA developed the School Based Sanitation (SBS) approach. The goal of this program is to improve the health, hygiene and sanitation situation in Cambodian schools. At the Bith Meas primary school, ESC-BORDA and partners constructed 3 toilets (1 disabled) with gender separation, 2 urinals, 6 hand washing sinks and 2 steel bars of group hand washing. The SWMS is designed to treat 1 m³ of domestic wastewater per day, 50% black water from toilets and urinals and 50% grey water from sinks and floor drains.
The SWMS effluent is discharged into 1 concrete cylinder tank from where the effluent overflows into a nearby discharge tank. The calculated effluent quality complies with the Ministry of the Environment´s regulations for wastewater effluent discharge. The SWMS is operated and maintained by the School Wash Committee and School Management of Bith Meas Primary School. The O&M staff have been trained by ESC-BORDA in all aspects of SWMS operation and maintenance, in-house management and O&M financial planning. There is a regular schedule for cleaning and checking that is followed by the operators.


Image: Bith Meas Primary School Small Wastewater Management System (SWMS)

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Further information

Project development support came from:

- Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA)
- Environmental Sanitation Cambodia (ESC)
- German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

In collaboration with Environmental Sanitation Cambodia (ESC)

Contact information

David Dietz
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Filter tags

Community sanitation Decentralised wastewater treatment (e.g. DEWATS) East Asia & Pacific Groundwater protection Health and hygiene International NGO Other funding source or unspecified Politicians and local decision makers Practitioners Schools Specific to one or several countries Toilets or urinals (user interface) Treatment of faecal sludge Treatment of wastewater or greywater

Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association

BORDA e.V. (Bremen Overseas Research & Development Association) is a German non-governmental organisation, headquartered in Bremen with a network of local partner organisations in more than 20 countries worldwide. Since founded in 1977, BORDA is active in the fields of poverty alleviation, sustainable protection of natural resources and the develops, implements and disseminates decentralised sustainable technologies and social measures for water, wastewater, energy and waste. Currently BORDA is focusing on decentralized sanitation solutions for the poor in peri-urban and urban areas in Africa, Asia and Latin America. To increase access to improved sanitation, BORDA provides demand oriented service packages including decentralised wastewater management solutions (DEWATS) and decentralised solid waste management (DESWAM). BORDA has regional offices in Tanzania, India, Jordan, Indonesia and Mexico. BORDA is mainly supported by the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development (BMZ) and the Hanseatic City of Bremen.

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Alex Campbell (alx)

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