Published in: 2009
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Müllegger, E., Schlick, J., Werner, C.
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This Project aims at improving the sanitation system of a rural public health center in Kotido District in the North-Eastern Karimojong region of Uganda. This should include sanitation facilities for approx. 150 patients and 15 staff members. The total cost will be approx. € 20,000 for consultancy and realization construction of 6 pit latrines, 1 UDD toilet block with 4 cubicles and other infrastructure components.
The sanitary situation before project implementation was problematic since it was not possible to dig sufficiently deep pits, showers were misused for defecation; wastewater was not treated at all and insufficiently, and burnt medical waste was dumped uncontrolled.
The 6 old pit latrines, the showers and the laundry washing place were reconstructed reconstructed and a urine diversion dehydration (UDD) toilet block was build. The wastewater is now collected, treated and used for irrigation. A low cost medical waste incinerator based on a project of the Applied Sciences Faculty of De Montfort University in Leicesterwas was constructed. Burnt residues are disposed in a covered and fenced dumping area, built on request of the project owner. A worker who was previously trained on water supply and sanitation was employed by the health center for operation and maintenance of the facilities.
The hygienic situation of the Health Centre has improved a lot and a certain demonstration effect has been achieved. However the new system still allows for further improvement and additional options. The constructed wetland plant was financed by the Austrian child care organisation "Dreikönigsaktion" (DKA) and the construction was done by a local company.
Müllegger, E., Schlick, J., Werner, C. (2009). Improvement of sanitation at Kanawat health center Kanawat, Uganda - Draft. Case study of sustainable sanitation projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Case studies in SuSanA template Constructed wetlands English Faeces or faecal sludge Rural Sub-Saharan Africa Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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