Published in: 2008
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
IPP Consult, GTZ
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The project „Sewage Sludge Conversion in Egypt“ was initiated
and financed by GTZ (German Society for Technical Cooperation)
and the private company ipp Consult from Germany
as PPP project. For technical, scientific and management
support ipp Consult established a Cooperation with the Egyptian
Consulting Enterprise USDC (Urban Study and Design Centre)
in close relation with the National Academy for Scientific
Research and Technology.
The main goals of the project were:
- Evaluation of methods to convert sewage sludge from waste
water treatment plants in different climatic regions in Egypt to
a product of high quality, which can be applied in a safe and
effective way in agriculture, public gardening and
landscaping as well as for wood production.
- Dissemination of the useful results and information about
sludge conversion in the framework of a closed loop system
to treatment plant operators, authorities, farmers etc.
The project was divided in 4 phases:
- I (3,5 months): organisational tasks and first large scale
- II (3,5 months): After first dissatisfying results the experiments
were continued in a bigger small scale programme in Nawaq to
determine the adequate plant species and operation methods.
- III (6 months): large scale experiments in Nawaq and El Minia
- IV (4 months): agricultural experiments, socioeconomic field
study, presentations, information campaign.
IPP Consult, GTZ (2008). Humification of sewage sludge in El-Minia and Nawaq, Egypt (draft) - Case study of sustainable sanitation projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Case studies in SuSanA template English Faecal sludge treatment processes Middle East & North Africa
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