Published in: 2009
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Hoffmann, H., Rüd, S., Schöpe, A.
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This case study is about the construction of blackwater and greywater reuse systems in a school for mentally disabled people nearby Lima. The system serves 35 handicapped pupils plus personnel). Initiated by the employees of the education centre and the parents, the project planning for wastewater treatment with a special focus on reuse started in 2006.
For the purpose of treatment and irrigation, two independent treatment systems were built: constructed wetland for greywater treatment and compost filter for blackwater treatment. Per school day, 2 m³ treated greywater are reused for irrigation of the garden and 4-5 m³ treated blackwater are reused for irrigation of the lawns, fruit trees and flowers. Today the school has doubled the irrigated green areas, but reduced by half the water consumption compared to 2007. Furthermore, double-vault urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) were constructed.
The implementation of ecosan components always needs qualified engineering staff with sufficient experience, especially in countries where the technology, here constructed wetlands, is not well known yet. The system is relatively complex with many sub-components, whilst only a population equivalent of 53 people is served.
The project was planned by Rotária del Perú, executed by Centro Educativo Básico Especial (education centre) “San Christoferus”, with the support of private donors (mostly for financing), work-camp volunteers (during construction period) and Pro Niño (school board of San Christoferus).
Hoffmann, H., Rüd, S., Schöpe, A. (2009). Blackwater and greywater reuse system Chorrillos, Lima, Peru - Case study of sustainable sanitation projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Case studies in SuSanA template Constructed wetlands English Greywater or wastewater Latin America & Caribbean Schools Urban (entire city) Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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