Published in: 2009
Netherland Water Partnership (NWP), International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC), The Netherlands
Singeling, M., Claasen, F., Casella, D., van Daalen, T., Fonseca, C.
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This booklet on Smart Finance Solutions, like its equivalents on Smart Water, Smart Sanitation and Smart Water Harvesting, gives examples of how different financial mechanisms are being used to finance water, sanitation projects and small local businesses that contribute to reaching MDG-7. It also gives the reader a short and quick overview on how to write a successful business or project plan, and how to find the appropriate financial mechanisms to finance it. The booklet is designed as a source of inspiration, rather than a manual. It will however provide links to further, more in-depth information.
This booklet is written for Northern and Southern based non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with plans to start appropriate water and sanitation businesses or projects in developing countries.
The first chapter of this booklet describes different financing mechanisms being applied at household / community (micro-) and at intermediat nstitutional (meso-) level. It gives examples of how these mechanisms are being used to finance water and sanitation projects or small/ medium enterprises contributing to the achievement of MDG-7. It also provides the reader with some useful links for further reading.
The second part of the booklet describes which business models can be used to obtain different financial mechanisms and gives an overview of how to write a successful business plan or project proposal.
This booklet also includes a list of organisations that finance water and sanitation projects/ businesses. The aim of Smart Finance Solutions is to fill the gap between financiers and organisations that seek financial means. The authors hope to bridge both worlds, the ultimate goal being to increase access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation for all in a financially sustainable way.
Singeling, M., Claasen, F., Casella, D., van Daalen, T., Fonseca, C. (2009). Smart finance solution - Examples of innovative financial mechanisms for water and sanitation. Netherland Water Partnership (NWP), International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC), The Netherlands
English Market development (WG2) Recommended by SuSanA (other than SuSanA publications) Sub-Saharan Africa
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