Published in: 2010
United Nations, New York, USA
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SuSanA secretariat
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Sixty-fourth session, Agenda item 48
1. Recognizes the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights
2. Calls upon States and international organizations to provide financial
resources, capacity-building and technology transfer, through international assistance and cooperation, in particular to developing countries, in order to scale up efforts to provide safe, clean, accessible and affordable drinking water and sanitation for all;
3. Welcomes the decision by the Human Rights Council to request that the
independent expert on human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation submit an annual report to the General Assembly, ...
UN (2010). The human right to water and sanitation - Resolution adopted by the General Assembly A/RES/64/292. United Nations, New York, USA
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