Published in: 2010
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany
Meinzinger, F.
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Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection
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The present study applies a combined cost, energy and material flow analysis (ceMFA) as a system analysis method to assess the resource efficiency of urban sanitation systems. This includes the discussion of relevant criteria and assessment methods. The main focus of this thesis is the comparative assessment of different systems, based on two case studies; Hamburg in Germany and Arba Minch in Ethiopia. A range of possible system developments including source separation (e.g. diversion of urine or blackwater) is defined and compared with the current situation as a reference system. The assessment is carried out using computer simulations based on model equations. The model equations not only integrate mass and nutrient flows, but also the energy and cost balances of the different systems.
Meinzinger, F. (2010). Resource efficiency of urban sanitation systems: a comparative assessment using material and energy flow analysis. Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany
Case studies in other formats English Europe & Central Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Urban (entire city)
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