Published in: 2010
UNICEF Government, Freetown, Sierra Leone
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This manual has been designed by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS), UNICEF and GOAL to help support Natural Leaders during the pre-triggering, triggering and follow-up of CLTS communities. The following pages will give simple examples of how to carry out each stage of CLTS. The booklet is not meant to be a script to read out whilst triggering however. A good natural leader will use his or her own methods based on their experiences and what has been learnt during training. In this respect, this booklet merely offers guidelines to help improve their existing knowledge of CLTS.
The pictures at the end of the booklet show good examples of latrines
and hand washing facilities and can be used to show communities what is happening around Sierra Leone, providing inspiration for the facilities they may wish to build. Again this booklet should be used for motivation only, not to dictate to communities which latrines they must build. Allow the communities to choose for themselves, this is the whole idea of CLTS.
Finally on behalf of myself, the Government, UNICEF and our NGO partners I would like to thank you all for you hard work and dedication in promoting better hygiene and sanitation across Sierra Leone and wish you all the best with your future activities.
UNICEF (2010). CLTS Training manual for natural leaders. UNICEF Government, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Educators English Guidelines and manuals Practitioners Rural Sub-Saharan Africa Trainer manuals (adult learning)
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