Published in: 2011
SEI, Sweden
Shangwa, A.
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This report is particularly focused on identifying the challenges, statics, and recommendations of menstrual management in Zimbabwe. Case studies for various schools in Zimbabwe were carried out. Research was carried out in the capital city of Harare, peri-urban areas and rural areas. This gave me an opportunity to have first hand information and a “birds eye” view on menstrual management. Due to the fact that l am also a lady (young women), conceptualizing was quite easy and very clear. Moreover the findings in the preliminary study in Zimbabwe were compared favourably with studies and researches carried out elsewhere being Malawi, Uganda and Ghana.
Our research did not only identify problems and challenges, we also managed to identify areas which needed correction and came up with recommendations.
Shangwa, A. (2011). The girl-child and menstrual management in Zimbabwe. SEI, Sweden
English Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) Schools Sub-Saharan Africa
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