Published in: 2017
Oxfam GB
Parkinson, P., Bostoen, K., Jacimovic, R.
Uploaded by:
Esther Shaylor
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Oxfam GB
Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning was identified as a gap by the Global WaSH Cluster’s technical working group in WASH markets. More evidence is needed to prove or disprove assumptions and perceptions around effectiveness and efficiency of programme delivery and contribution of the responses towards market recovery.
In order to enable comparative analysis between different modalities of MBP against traditional responses, with funding from OFDA, Oxfam commissioned the development of a generic M&E framework which can be adapted to the different local contexts, and complementary IT tools to assist the data collation and analysis processes.
The webinar will provide the opportunity for you to learn about the proposed framework/indicators and their application and the use of Survey CTO and PowerBI tools to facilitate the application of the framework, viewing and analysis of the results.
Parkinson, P., Bostoen, K., Jacimovic, R. (2017). Webinar on Monitoring and evaluation of market based humanitarian WASH interventions (11 October 2017). Oxfam GB
English Practitioners Presentations Videos and webinar recordings
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