Published in: 2014
Skat Consulting Ltd., St. Gallen, Switzerland; Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Dübendorf, Switzerland
Uploaded by:
Sterenn Philippe
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In order to cast a positive light on the emptying business and to inform in a professional way but with a twinge of humour, Skat Foundation has produced a Top Trumps card game with 32 fascinating sludge trucks from around the world. The game comes with an information card on on-site sanitation.
The card game can be used as a give-away for conferences, meetings with decision makers and practitioners in the field, or simply to spend quality time with your kids.
Skat (2014). Super Truck Trump Faecal Sludge Trucks. Skat Consulting Ltd., St. Gallen, Switzerland; Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Dübendorf, Switzerland
East Asia & Pacific English Europe & Central Asia Games and activities (adult learning) Latin America & Caribbean Middle East & North Africa North America Sub-Saharan Africa
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