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NETSSAF International Conference in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - Conference materials (in English and French)

Various Authors (2008)

Published in: 2008

Various Authors

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The International Conference titled "Pathways towards Sustainable Sanitation in Africa" constitutes the most relevant event held under the project NETSSAF "Network for the development of Sustainable Sanitation in Africa", a Coordination Action supported by the European Union under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). A well prepared team organised this event successfully which was celebrated in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from the 24th to the 27th of September of 2008.

The three first days of the Conference were divided into 6 sessions that included presentations, panel group discussions, side events and a stand exhibition with poster presentations. There was a field trip during the last day, where participants visited a wastewater treatment plant and also had the opportunity to see some sanitation and agriculture reuse projects that have been implemented in rural and peri-urban communities of Ouagadougou.

Content - Summary

List of presentations:

1) Presentation of the NETSSAF coordination action
Prof. Ralf Otterpohl, Technical University Hamburg Harburg, Germany

2) Sustainable development and the MDGs on sanitation: the AfricanSan + 5 recommendations
Mr. Andreas Knapp, World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program Africa, Ethiopia

3) NCCR-N: a north-south partnership for action in the field of health and environmental science
Prof. Gueladio Cissé, Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques (CSRS), Cote d'Ivore

4) The ROSA project approach toward sustainable sanitation
Dr. Günther Langergraber, BOKU University, Australia

5) Investment on human resources: a key for sustainable development
Dr. Kwasi Klutsé, Former Prime Minister of Togo

6) L'application des urines et fèces dans l'agriculture: recommandations au Burkina Faso

7) Potentiels agronomiques des excréta humains dans les systèmes de production de l'igname et du riz irrigué en Cote d'Ivore

8) Safe ECOSAN fertilisers: methods and recommendations for safe reuse of human excreta

9) La valeur économique des fertilisants ECOSAN en Afrique de l'Ouest

10) Making links between sanitation, agriculture and the schools! Many approaches to a varied need

11) Réutilisation des fertilisants ECOSAN avec les maraiches de Ouagadougou

12) Nakuru ROSA project, Kenya

13) Project implementation in Kitgum, Uganda

14) Work done towards implementation of sustainable sanitation in Arusha, Tanzania

15) ROSA project activities, partners ARB & AMN, Arba Minch, Ethiopia

16) Presentation of the results in research and academic capacity building
Dr. Cecilia Sundberg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden

17) MDGs in Africa: the view of the authorities and decision makers
Facilitator: Dr. Johannes Heeb, International Ecological Engineering Society (IEES), Switzerland

18) Sustainable sanitation in rural/peri-urban areas in Africa: a survey of typical settlements, key actors and communication channels
Ms. Waltraud Keipp, Bureau Ouest Africain d'Appui Organisationnel et de Technologies Appropriées (BOATA), Mali

19) The choice of sanitation systems and technologies
Mr. Christian Zurbrügg and Dr. Elizabeth Tilley, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland

20) Launch of the yellow pages of sanitation, a data base of services and material providers to support large scale implementation of sustainable sanitation options in Africa
Ms. Leonellha Barreto Dillon, ttz Bremerhaven, Germany

21) Financial and economic analysis of ecological sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mr. Andreas Knapp and Mr. Richard Schuen, World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program, Africa (WSP-AF), Ethiopia

22) Introduction of the NETSSAF participatory planning approach, a tutorial for sustainable sanitation
Ms. Leonellha Barreto Dillon, ttz Bremerhaven, Germany
Mr. Christopher Buzie, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Germany

23) Application of existing knowledge: the only way to meet the MDG sanitation target in developing countries
Prof. Duncan Mara, University of Leeds, England

24) SPLASH consultation on "Innovative research partnerships in water for development" (only French version)
Mr. Aard Hartveld, Mrs. Manon Rabanit, Mr. Gil Mahee and Mr. Loris Houssier (Austrian Development Agency-SPLASH, Austria)

25) The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance - Towards more sustainable sanitation solutions for Africa
Dr. Arno Rosemarin (Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden)

26) L'assainissement total porte par les communautes (ATPC), a WaterAid Burkina Faso

27) CLTS: the West African experience: adaptations, gaps and sustainability

28) Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in Nigeria

29) Use of excreta nutrients - opportunities and knowledge gaps
Prof. Hakan Jönsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweeden

30) Alternative use of wastewater for biomass production
Mr. Mirko Hänel, ttz Bremerhaven, Germany

31) Ecological sanitation - selected example projects from Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Europe
Mr. Sören Rüd, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Germany

32) Agro reuse of composted human faecal material for productive sanitation systems
Mr. Patrick A. Ogwo, Dept. of Environmental Resource Magt., Abia State University, Uturu

33) PeePoobag - self sanitising single use biodegradable toilet
Prof. Hakan Jönsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden

Bibliographic information

Various Authors (2008). NETSSAF International Conference in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - Conference materials (in English and French).

Filter tags

English Faeces or faecal sludge Fertiliser French Peri-urban Presentations Urine Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)


Conference flyer

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.24 MB

Conference poster

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Size: 0.5 MB

Presentation of the NETSSAF coordination action

Format: pdf file
Size: 2.43 MB

Sustainable development and the MDGs on sanitation: the AfricanSan + 5 recommendations

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.61 MB

NCCR-N: a north-south partnership for action in the field of health and environmental science

Format: pdf file
Size: 2.85 MB

Investment on human resources: a key for sustainable development

Format: pdf file
Size: 1.1 MB

Potentiels agronomiques des excreta humains dans les systemes de production de ligname et du riz irrigue en Cote dIvore

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.75 MB

Safe ECOSAN fertilisers: methods and recommendations for safe reuse of human excreta

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Size: 1.44 MB

La valeur economique des fertilisants ECOSAN en Afrique de lOuest

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Size: 2.71 MB

Making links between sanitation, agriculture and the schools! Many approaches to a varied need

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Size: 1.74 MB

Reutilisation des fertilisants ECOSAN avec les maraiches de Ouagadougou

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Size: 3.03 MB

Nakuru ROSA project, Kenya

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Size: 3.05 MB

Project implementation in Kitgum, Uganda

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Size: 0.31 MB

Work done towards implementation of sustainable sanitation in Arusha, Tanzania

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Size: 4.83 MB

ROSA project activities, partners ARB & AMN, Arba Minch, Ethiopia

Format: pdf file
Size: 7.22 MB

Presentation of the results in research and academic capacity building

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Size: 0.55 MB

MDGs in Africa: the view of the authorities and decision makers

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Size: 0.15 MB

Sustainable sanitation in rural/peri-urban areas in Africa: a survey of typical settlements, key actors and communication channels

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.07 MB

The choice of sanitation systems and technologies

Format: pdf file
Size: 2.43 MB

Launch of the yellow pages of sanitation, a data base of services and material providers to support large scale implementation of sustainable sanitation options in Africa

Format: pdf file
Size: 2.62 MB

Financial and economic analysis of ecological sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.82 MB

Introduction of the NETSSAF participatory planning approach, a tutorial for sustainable sanitation

Format: pdf file
Size: 2.16 MB

Application of existing knowledge: the only way to meet the MDG sanitation target in developing countries

Format: pdf file
Size: 1.02 MB

SPLASH consultation on Innovative research partnerships in water for development (only French version)

Format: pdf file
Size: 1.16 MB

The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance - Towards more sustainable sanitation solutions for Africa

Format: pdf file
Size: 1.64 MB

L assainissement total porte par les communautes (ATPC), a WaterAid Burkina Faso

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.09 MB

CLTS: the West African experience: adaptations, gaps and sustainability

Format: pdf file
Size: 1 MB

Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in Nigeria

Format: pdf file
Size: 1.07 MB

Use of excreta nutrients - opportunities and knowledge gaps

Format: pdf file
Size: 1.23 MB

Alternative use of wastewater for biomass production

Format: pdf file
Size: 2.79 MB

Ecological sanitation - selected example projects from Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Europe

Format: pdf file
Size: 8.38 MB

Agro reuse of composted human faecal material for productive sanitation systems

Format: pdf file
Size: 0.02 MB

PeePoobag - self sanitising single use biodegradable toilet

Format: pdf file
Size: 1.33 MB

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