Published in: 2006
Holmer, R.J., Miso, A.U.
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The ecological sanitation concept has been successfully introduced to Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, through establishment of urine-diverting dehydration toilets in several allotment and school gardens of the city. It is part of a holistic approach concerning public health, nutrition, food security and urban environmental planning as a joint effort of the academe, the local government, the urban poor communities as well as the German Government through CIM, GTZ and the German Embassy. Based on the positive impact of the pilot activities on the communities, the city government in cooperation with Xavier University and its partners from Germany are in the process of integrating this approach into the overall city planning in order to localize the Millennium Development Goals.
Paper presented at "DWA, BMZ and GTZ Symposium", October 26-27, 2006, Eschborn, Germany
Holmer, R.J., Miso, A.U. (2006). A City-Wide Ecosan Concept for Cagayan de Oro, Philippines.
East Asia & Pacific English Schools Urban (entire city) Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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