Published in: 2018
Sanitation Community of Practice (SanCop), UK
SanCop, Oxfam
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The 22nd meeting of the UK’s Sanitation Community of Practice was held on the 26th of November 2018 at Oxfam House in Oxford. The aim of the event was to discuss with the participants the needs and potentials of financing sanitation. The challenges of finding funding sources, data acquisition, correct understanding of terminology, financial sustainability, and equitable service provision were examined. An engaged audience discussed with an expert panel about key questions and challenges to ensure the fight financial instruments are used to fund the right service provision models.
The presentations below are available for download:
1. Principles for assessing and reporting cost: economic vs financial costs – Ian Ross, LSHTM
2. Standardised costing metrics for urban sanitation – Tristano Sainati, University of Leeds
3. Tiered pricing models and subsidies for inclusive sanitation in Myanmar - Tom Wildman, Oxfam and Rob Mills, Social Finance
4. Using microfinance to support households’ investments in sanitation: does it really work? Goufrane Mansour & Delia Sanchez Trancon, Agua Consult
5. Beyond toilets, pipes and WWTP: financing nature based solutions for broader ecosystem improvements Sophie Trémolet, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
6. A funder’s perspective - Paul Gunstensen, Stone Family Foundation
SanCop, Oxfam (2018). 22nd SanCoP meeting: Financing Sustainable Sanitation. Sanitation Community of Practice (SanCop), UK
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