Published in: 2011
Pages: 32
Government of Orissa, Housing and Urban Development Department
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Water and sanitation, despite being a basic human need and a critical need for improved quality of life has not got the necessary attention in the past. The overall sanitation coverage in Orissa is not satisfactory and the current initiatives spawned under centrally-sponsored schemes like the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) and Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) are aimed at only a few towns and focus on the creation of trunk infrastructure at the city level. In this context, a comprehensive state urban sanitation strategy has been developed and approved by the Government.
Any urban WATSAN communications strategy needs to be an integral part of the larger WSS sector strategy as effective communications would be critical for the successful implementation of the State Sanitation strategy and in improving delivery of water services. Communication and behaviour change being critical factors for successful implementation of any sanitation strategy, the Communication Strategy would enable the Urban Local Bodies and para statals like Public Health Organization of Orissa (PHEO) to plan and manage these services in an appropriate manner.
The strategy has been prepared with technical support from Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP)-South Asia after a series of stakeholders’ consultation at different levels with a view to formulate suitable policies and the strategic implementation framework for improving the situation of water and sanitation in the urban areas of the state. It presents a communications strategy that has been prepared with inputs from the HUDD and other stakeholders and contains an action plan and associated budgets so that the communications strategy can be effectively and efficiently implemented by the state government, ULBs concerned and the PHEO.
As part of this, a communications and consultation initiative in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Bolangir, Kesinga and Puri was undertaken in 2010 to test approaches involving diverse stakeholders in the urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) services improvement process. This provided key directions towards developing a credible and relevant state-level WSS sector communications strategy. Furthermore, it also established a strong case for the need for communications in delivery of urban water and sanitation services including sol id waste management. This need was expressed by all stakeholders – citizens, elected representatives, PHEO and municipal officials, civil society groups, and the media.
GoO (2011). Orissan Urban Water and Sanitation Communication Strategy - Including Solid Waste Management. Government of Orissa, Housing and Urban Development Department
East Asia & Pacific Educators English Practitioners Urban (entire city)
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