Published in: 2023
GIZ Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Water Supply (WTR) in Jordan
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Over the past 30 years the Kingdom of Jordan has emerged as a world leader in the use of treated wastewater. In response to acute water scarcity, the country’s water authorities have embraced the use of non-conventional water resources, including treated wastewater, as a core strategy for conserving precious freshwater supplies for a rapidly growing population.
This publication systematically presents what has been achieved and learned through the German-Jordanian development cooperation, focusing on five major areas:
1. Expanding wastewater infrastructure, including sewer connections and the capacity of wastewater treatment plants
2. Improving wastewater treatment
3. Facilitating the reuse of treated wastewater
4. Promoting energy efficient and climate-friendly wastewater systems
5. Strengthening governance and oversight in the water sector
Delinieating each of these areas, this publication presents the strategies pursued by the Government of Jordan and the contributions which German financial and technical cooperation have made to their realisation.
One of the first countries to embrace the opportunities presented by reclaimed water, Jordan has succeeded in turning wastewater into a major asset in its quest for water security. Visionary thinking, careful planning, and strong partnerships have come together to shape a wastewater sector that has proven remarkably resilient in the face of shocks and challenges, from influxes of over one million Syrian refugees over the past decade to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The cited knowledge material referred to in this publication can be accessed through the links below.
(2023). Resilience and Innovation in Jordan´s Wastewater Sector - Contributions of Jordanian-German Development Cooperation. GIZ Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Water Supply (WTR) in Jordan
Climate Resilient Sanitation Decentralised wastewater treatment (e.g. DEWATS) English Greywater or wastewater Middle East & North Africa Politicians and local decision makers Practitioners Research publications
MWI (2022) - Jordan Water Sector Facts and Figures (Publication)
MWI (2023) - National Water Strategy, 2023-2040. Jordan. (Voluntary National Review 2022)
MWI (2023) - National Water Strategy, 2023-2040 (Summary)
Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) (2023) - Database Report 2022.
UN (2016) - World Could Face Water Availability Shortfall by 2030 (Press Release)
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2023) Population Division (Data Portal)
UNHCR Jordan (2022) - Zaatari Camp
WMI (2021) - National Wastewater Infrastructure Master Plan (Report).
WWAP (2017) - The United Nations World Water Development Report - Wastewater: The Untapped Resource
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