Published in: 2007
Ecological Sanitation Research (EcoSanRes), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Morgan, P.
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Most of the rural population of Ethiopia do not have access to safe and reliable toilets. A good toilet, together with a safe reliable water supply and the practice of good personal hygiene and hand washing can do much to improve personal and family health and wellbeing. So there is an urgent need for the construction of simple, low cost, affordable toilets that are easy to build and maintain and are relatively free of odours and flies.
This booklet describes how to make a toilet which is both low cost and easy to make. Builders and artisans are not required, once the householder has learned the basic methods of construction.
Morgan, P. (2007). The Arborloo book for Ethiopia - How to make a simple pit toilet and grow trees and vegetables. Ecological Sanitation Research (EcoSanRes), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toilets English Faeces or faecal sludge Food security and productive sanitation (WG5) Guidelines and manuals Practitioners Rural Sub-Saharan Africa
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