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Two ecosan workshops in Kenya, "ecosan Capacity Development Workshop" in Ugunja and "ecosan Vision workshop" in Nairobi, were organised and financed by the GTZ Program on sustainable sanitation - ecosan and the facilitating consultants Laura Kraft (freelance), Martin Wafler, Johannes Heeb (both seecon gmbh, Switzerland) and Ms. Pradnya Thakur (Ecosan Services Foundation, India). The main aim was to bring together sanitation and ecosan experts from various sectors, to interlink and capacity build them and to set a forum for open discussion on the future development of ecosan in Kenya. Contact persons for further information are: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The workshop aimed at capacity building for the Water Supply and Sanitation.  Authorities (WSSA) from seven towns in Tanzania which participate in the program called „Seven Towns Upgrading Program“ financed by the EU water facility and KfW (grant financed). This program is contracted out by the Tanzanian Ministry of Finance and managed by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. It covers feasibility studies and detailed tender and design documents. In order to build capacity within the water supply and sanitation authorities, the concept of sustainable sanitation was introduced to the managing directors of the WSSAs in this workshop.


The language of this event was German. Die Veranstaltung soll die auf dem Sektorgespräch "Sanitärversorgung" am 12. Dezember 2008 im BMZ initiierten Diskussionen vertiefen helfen und insbesondere verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit auf die Bereiche semizentrales und dezentrales Abwassermanagement lenken. Hierbei soll Stand der Technik sowie neuere Entwicklungen in beiden Bereichen fokussiert auf den nationalen Bereichen dargestellt und in ihren kurz-, mittel- und langfristigen Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit diskutiert werden.


Since decades conventional wastewater treatment systems guarantee hygiene and environmental protection in Germany. However it was found that these systems are not easily adaptable to changing needs in relationship with effective climate and resource protection. A change of paradigm from end-of-pipe solutions to resource-oriented wastewater systems is required.


The threatening shortage of phosphorus – a key component of fertilisers – is crucial for the world’s food supplies. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all plants and animals. It is also one of the three key components (together with nitrogen and potassium) of fertilisers, and therefore crucial for the world’s food supply system. Phosphorus shortage will be one of the most pressing problems of the coming years. Global supply is limited and concentrated in just a few countries. Demand is increasing rapidly. Since there is not yet an alternative for phosphorus, innovative strategies are needed to ensure its availability. Bas Eickhout and Lena Ek (both members of the European Parliament) and the Nutrient Flow Task Group (NFTG) intended this Mini Seminar to accelerate the search for solutions and help develop opportunities created by the phosphorus crisis.


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