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Integrated Business Models throughout the Sanitation Value Chain with Safe Resource Recovery and Reuse


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit; International Water Management Institute; Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and World Health Organization




Bremen Overseas Research & Development Association; Building Partnerships for Development in Water and Sanitation and Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity; Eawag/Sandec; German Toilet Organization; International Centre for Water Management Services; Sanergy; Stockholm Environment Institute; Sustainable Sanitation Alliance; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich; Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute; Water For People and World Business Council for Sustainable Development








Functional sanitation systems improve health and welfare and are fundamental to human development. Integrated business models throughout the sanitation value chain can turn waste into valuable resources such as biofuels or fertilizer and save water thus leading to even broader livelihood improvements. Most sanitation initiatives to reuse waste have depended heavily on subsidies, remained small or did not survive beyond their pilot phase. A new approach is needed to make resource recovery and safe reuse (RR&R) solutions viable at scale and protective of public health.

This seminar will provoke discussion on exploiting the sanitation value chain and understanding how the benefits and costs are perceived and accounted for throughout the value chain.

The seminar will combine the highlights of research on over 60 successful business cases and extracted business models for resource recovery and reuse in developing countries with a discussion on their applicability in a range of settings with practitioners and entrepreneurs.  The Sanitation Safety Planning Manual will also be presented to illustrate the practical implementation of the 2006 WHO Guidelines for Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater.

09:00   Opening

Facilitator: Pay Drechsel (IWMI)

Welcome: Eileen Hofstetter (SDC); Leveke Neumann (BMZ); Maria Neira (WHO)

Models and tools for Safe Sanitation Businesses

09:10   Setting the Scene for Integrated Business Models throughout the Sanitation Value Chain with Safe Resource Recovery and Reuse - Arne Panesar (GIZ)

09:20   Research on Business Cases - Miriam Otoo (IWMI)

09:30   Sanitation Safety Planning Manual - Kate Medlicott (WHO)

Sanitation Business Models in Practice

09:40   Introduction of the country presentations - Facilitator: Pay Drechsel (IWMI)

09:45   Sanitation safety planning (SSP) lessons from trials in five countries - Darryl Jackson (independent)

09:55   Establishing O&M for Decentralised Urban Sanitation Infrastructure in Karnataka, India - Stefan Reuter (BORDA)

10:05   Waste to energy for urban India: Co-fermentation of organic kitchen waste and septage - Regina Dube (GIZ India)

10:15   Q&A

10:25   Coffee Break

10:55   Sustainable Sanitation in East Africa's Urban Informal Settlements - David Auerbach (Sanergy)

11:05   Beyond the Latrine: Creating a Sanitation Industry - Katja Neubauer (Water for People)

11:15   Challenges in the enabling environment for public private partnerships in Kampala sanitation sector – Kristina Kanathigoda (GIZ Uganda)

11:25   EkoLakay to Konpos Lakay: SOIL's household toilet and composting experiences from Haiti - Nick Preneta (SOIL)

11:35   Q&A

Tipping points: Barriers and opportunities for taking models to scale

11:45   Panel Discussion  moderator: Ken Caplan (Partnerships in Practice)


  • Mirko Winkler (SwissTPH)
  • Neil Macleod (eThekwini Municipality)
  • Sam Parker (WSUP)
  • Heiko Gebauer (Eawag/Sandec)
  • Joppe Cramwinckel (WBCSD)
  • Jan Willem Rosenboom (BMGF)

One question will be posed to each panellist by the moderator before asking some submitted questions from the audience.

12:25   Wrap-up and closing remarks – Panel moderator and conveners.

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